Information about the group
Programme of tasks and socials
Committee details
Scrapbook of photos and the like
Archive of old web pages

Older News Archive

Here is an archive of all those exciting announcements which have appeared on the home page for you to reminisce over - most recent first. Enjoy!

Please note due to changes to the site some of the older links to pages given below may open in strange windows, or may not work at all! If so use the menu bar on the left instead.

New Committee Elected
The AGM was held at Medology, Gloucester Road, and I think it's fair to say we were all pretty stuffed! Details of the new committee members will be available shortly. The new event at Castle Cary was also a success, aparently the stew and cake was pretty tasty...

There are no more events planned this term, so enjoy a nice lie-in on Sunday instead!

19th March 2003 Chris Dicks - email

Walking Walls
Dry stone walling at Cheddar Wood was another great success - the completed sections of wall took the weight of me, Rob and Al (though not all together... wouldn't risk that...) It's definately the most social of events (except, err... the socails that is...) as there's a kind of Crystal Maze team effort about the whole thing. Those in the know walked to the Miners Arms in Shipham instead of getting the bus, picking up some fine cheese on the way!

Some more quotes were coined by the usual suspects. Photos of Leigh Woods and Cheddar Woods (Dry Stone Walling) are now up. Don't forget Devon weekend coming up and a few socials too. So plenty of reasons not to stay in bed on Sundays.

Details of the AGM and committee positions available here.

17th February 2003 Chris Dicks - email

Cold January Remedies - number 93...
"Take one forest of trees, say at Brown's Folly, cut them down and burn them. Add marshmallows and a pub trip for a wonderful winter glow"

Anyway, the first trip back was a good one, with a near-full bus. The programme now has a listing of up and coming socials, plus details of all this term's events, so plenty of ways to combat that yukky winter-term feeling...

28th January 2003 Chris Dicks - email

Happy New Year
Christmas over, and lots of turkey consumed, so it's time to burn it all of with another fun term packed with conservation activities. Some are already confirmed, so check the new programme!

6th January 2003 Chris Dicks - email

That's all folks!
Well, with the cocktail party another success, that's it for this year! Luckily some events are already scheduled for next term so see the programme. Until then console yourself with some new photos I've put up -see the scrapbook

Have a good Christmas!

11th December 2002 Chris Dicks - email

Christmas is nearing...
Only two events left this term! Distillery Meadows and the Christmas Cocktail Party. Both should be a brilliant way to end a hectic term, so come along...

At last I've got some photos - the Alfrick, Dolebury Warren and Lower Woods ones are now up and others will follow...

3rd December 2002 Chris Dicks - email

Another Piss-Up in a Brewery
Well done to Mary who organised a brilliant piss-up in the Smiles Brewery. This time we got taken to the basement as well, where we could drink pretty much as all the beer we wanted straight from the kegs! The Christmas party will be going ahead again this year at Mary's house on Monday 9th Dec so keep it free. Also several conservation events still to happen - so keep checking the programme page

22nd November 2002 Chris Dicks - email

BUCG Keeps Worcestershire Moving...
Alfrick was another big success, although due to the high winds we didn't get much done on the Sunday, though we helped clear a few roads blocked by trees. Still, we didn't miss out on Trevor and Annettes' wonderful food!

There are still a few places left on the Brewery Tour, so contact Mary if you want to go.

I have finally updated the quotes board - enjoy!

31st October 2002 Chris Dicks - email

Thursday Lunches in the Brewery Tap
The first events have now happened, but if you missed them don't worry! Plenty are still to come, so keep checking the programme page for information. A new "regular" this year is a weekly Thursday lunch in the Brewery Tap (opposite the BRI on Park Row) from 1pm. Come along to sign up for any events, or just to chill and have a beer!

10th October 2002 Chris Dicks - email

Welcome to the Conservation Group
A big hello and welcome to everyone who joined at Fresh! This site gives loads of details on the stuff we do, complete with photos of some of our trips. Our first trip will be tomorrow to Cadbury Camp (any connection with the chocolate?) to cut back scrub, but if you miss that don't worry as there are plenty more coming up! The first social organised by Mary, our social secretary will be in the Epi this Monday starting 8pm. A great chance to come and meet us all!

If you have any ideas or find any faults with this site let me know! It's no secret I can't shpell so let me know of any typos! (no prizes!)

5th October 2002 Chris Dicks - email

New to Bristol? Or Welcome Back!
If you've just started at Bristol, welcome and have a look at our site. We are the Conservation Group, which means we spend our Sundays going to local nature reserves to help out with... errr.. Conservation programmes funnily enough! If you're not new, hope you had a good summer holiday, and are excited about another year of hard work (I know I am....) The new programme for this term in now out, so have a look. As usual it features lots of trips round the region, with a whole variety of pubs to try on the way home!

So get yourselves down to Fresh on Thursday/Friday, and for just a fiver for the year, you can go on a free trip to the country almost any Sunday you fancy!

29th September 2002 Chris Dicks - email That's all folks...
The exams are over (phew!) and summer is here. Of course, it's too nice weather to have any conservation events now, so unless you're going on the Scottish trip you'll have to wait until the October rain to cut anything down. Details of next year's programme will be posted once available. Pictures of the recent BBQ at Beth and Sue's are now up- thanks for that one ladies!

17th June 2002 Chris Dicks - email

Smile! Summer is nearly here!
The last event of the year, a picnic in the Quantocks is nearing on Sunday 9th June (see the programme for more details). So if you've finished your exams by then (or even if you haven't...) come along. There are also rumours of a BBQ at Beth and Sues' house, so watch this space!

Good luck for those still battling with revision and exams, to those who are done - I hate you! (no really!)

30th May 2002 Chris Dicks - email

Welcome to the new look website!
I have now taken over from Tim as Webmaster, and would like to thank him for doing a great job over the last two years. The general content of the site will remain the same, however I've made a few changes:
  • Mugshots of committe members now feature on the Committee page.
  • The Info page has been re-written.
  • A Pub Guide has been produced!
  • New colour scheme - even brighter green!

Frames have been added to make the site easier to use. These shouldn't cause problems for most users, however if you're on one of the really old uni computers (that looks like it was around when Tottenham last won the league), the menu bar may not be displayed. Please let me know if this occurs.

If you have any ides or comments, or you find any faults (missing pictues, broken links etc.) please let me know!

11th May 2002 Chris Dicks - email

The AGM has now happened, so we have a new bunch of enthusiatic people to run the group for the next year. The committee page will be updated over Easter, and further stuff will be added to the scrapbook before I hand the website over to Chris. Don't work too hard during the holidays!
20 March 2002
As the end of term begins to loom ahead we have but one conservation task left, at Berrow Dunes. The weekend in Devon was a tremendous success and great fun... it also spawned a plethora of quotes (you know where to find the quotes board now so no link from the home page!).
Don't forget the AGM coming up, details of which will be circulated closer to the date. The date hasn't been decided yet.
4 March 2002
Want to know what's been added to the site recently? Well, a few new pages of the scrapbook - including the weekend away to Ravenshill Wood. And of course the programme page is kept as current as possible to make it the definitive place to find out what BUCG is up to...
So why not make a visit to "Molly's Online World" part of your daily routine?
18 February 2002
After the recent encouragement directed towards me about the scrapbook, I have finally got a couple of new pages posted. There are several more in the pipeline, subject to the constraints of my DEGREE.
Conservation Group seems to be having another successful term (though slightly wet at times). As well as plenty of socials we have some different types of work planned, so we'll see who is a closet constructor!
1 February 2002
Hello and welcome back to Bristol for another term of conservation volunteering (and whatever else you people get up to). The bones of the Sunday trips have been laid-out on the programme page, which is as ever kept as current as I can manage. I'm sure some socials will pop-up pretty soon too.
The promised update to the scrapbook has not yet happened, but I will try to get it done asap. In the mean time don't forget about the famed quotes board!
7 January 2002
Once again the end of the term is upon us. I think everyone would agree however that it has been an exceptionally good 10 weeks, with regard to both conservation work and socials. The Christmas party at Sue and Beth's flat was a great way to round off the year.
Whilst you're at home with your families over the festive period, remember that fresh destruction is only a few weeks away. And some photos of the past term should be going in the scrapbook soon too - in case people don't believe what you get up to at weekends!
Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy New Year!
11 December 2001
With it being the penultimate week of the term, I suppose it would be reasonable to expect Christmas greetings on the BUCG website. Well tough, if you really want some festive cheer then you'll have to wait until I start feeling more in the mood (bah humbug).
But there's no getting away from the fact that next Monday is the long-awaited Christmas Party at our presidents' house. We'll expect to see everyone there and having a good time (if not then I daren't imagine what Beth might do)...
5 December 2001
Well our last conservation event of the term has now happened, and what a weekend it was. The 24 of us who went would all agree that we had a good variety of work and were fed supremely well on the weekend away at Ravenshill Wood. Photos will be posted in the scrapbook as soon as I get some (scan them and email them to me if possible!).
During the remainder of the term we've got a few socials, including the brewery tour and a Christmas party.
26 November 2001
The trip to Dolebury Warren on Remembrance Sunday was much more successful than last time and with the aid of a cracking bonfire we disposed of all the hawthorn bushes that were cut down.
No conservation work this week but don't forget Mary's party on Thursday. Oh yeah, and make sure you sign-up for the weekend away if you haven't already done so.
12 November 2001
We had a brilliant day at West Yatton Down last Sunday with some beautiful scenery, sunny weather and not one but TWO bonfires!
This week sees a return of the traditional pub social on Tuesday along with some grassland clearance at Dolebury Warren on Sunday. Don't miss out - sign up!
5 November 2001
The website has just got better! As well as a selection of excitingly chunky new buttons, there are now two more sections:
- The information section has general stuff about the society and should be useful for new people.
- The archive section brings together things like programmes from previous terms and old news.
As ever, I would be delighted to receive contributions from anyone for inclusion on the website.
25 October 2001
Last Sunday's coppicing at Ravensroost Wood was an all-out success with a record turnout, fairly glorious weather (it didn't rain) and trees felled in epic numbers. Needless to say it was also good fun. The next trip isn't until 4 November, but don't miss out on socialising in between!
22 October 2001
Two trips under our belt already and it's only the second week of term! Lots of you have been on our outings to (wet) Midger Wood and (muddy) Lower Woods but this week sees a chance for some classier drinking... in the Epi! But don't worry if you're getting the 'haven't destroyed anything recently' shakes cos on Sunday there is some woodland mayhem management scheduled.
15 October 2001
After a successful couple of days at FRESH we now have a whole bundle of new members. If you've joined for the first time or have tried in previous years but not had enough time, then do come along to stuff this term - it's more fun than you would believe possible! (depending on how good your imagination is...)
The new email list may take a few days to set up, so in the mean time keep checking this website for information.
6 October 2001
The website is currently in the process of being updated with information for the new academic year. Please check back soon for exciting new additions! In the mean time come and find us at FRESH or contact any of the committee.
28 September 2001
The scrapbook has now been fully updated. I hope this pleases somebody. In fact if it pleases you then please email me (te8911) so I know that it was worth doing!
13 June 2001
Our last event of the term is a BBQ at UH on Monday 11 June (see the programme page). You may also notice that the site has been updated, although there are more photos to come soon. Finally some advance warning that there is a semi-official event in August at Lower Woods.
11 June 2001
Sorry, the website hasn't been updated for a while and it isn't likely to be either (at least not until after the exams). But fear not, you haven't missed anything 'cos there's nothing on! Why not try again in a month or so...
16 May 2001
The spring term is now over and there is a chance to do some work over the Easter holidays. The summer term is traditionally a quiet period in our calendar, partly for conservation reasons and partly because of exams. This year we also have the Foot and Mouth problem.
But we do have a new committee as of Wednesday 21 March who should be full of enthusiasm and new ideas - so watch this space! (The website will be updated as and when I get the time.)
23 March 2001
Although conservation tasks have been somewhat lacking of late (see the MAFF website if you don't know why) BUCG fights on! Okay, so we can't chop anything down but we can still have fun. The best social of the year is coming up, the AGM and Curry Night on Wednesday 21 March. We need to elect a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, tools officer and web officer, so have a think about standing. It ain't that difficult, just ask any of this year's committee...
16 March 2001
As with everyone else in the country, our outdoor activities have ben hit by the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease. For the time being all our conservation tasks have been postponed until such time as the situation improves significantly. Which leaves us with socials and the AGM! If you are interested in standing for a position on the committee then contact me for information. The AGM and curry night will be during the last week of term.
5 March 2001
Yeah okay, so the time has definitely passed for new year's greetings. In fact already this term we have coppiced, scrub bashed and drunk dubious cocktails, but there's much more to come! As well as the usual healthy range of Sunday destruction outings there will also be exciting new socials and even the (as yet unorganised) fabled weekend away...finally don't forget the AGM at the end of term. Keep checking the website for updates.
5 February 2001
Happy new year (somewhat belatedly) and welcome back to Bristol. Assuming of course that you are at Bristol. This new calendar year is set to be another good'un and there should be plenty of opportunities to release your tensions on defenceless plants in the surrounding region.
Don't forget to check this website frequently for updates and other stuff, not least the programme page. As ever if you have any ideas regarding content (or indeed anything else) then I'm always delighted to be contacted - Tim Evans, te8911.
16 January 2001
Well once again it's the end of term, I hope you've had fun if you've been out with us on any conserving trips or socials. It was great to see so many non-muddy people at the meal on Tuesday. After Christmas there'll be a whole new programme so please do come along - we really are very friendly. Don't let the photos put you off!
All it remains for me to do now is to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a memorable (?!) new year. See you in 2001. Cheers, Tim
15 December 2000
  • Our weekend away at Ravenshill Wood was brilliant and everyone had a great time (I hope). The warmth of the village hall was surpassed only by the warmth of our hosts, Trevor and Annette Smart. As on previous occasions we got to do some directly useful conservation work - improving paths and hence access to the woodland - and were fed magnificently. There were also plenty of award moments... see the page with last years's awards if you don't know what I'm talking about.
  • The final trip of the term is to Midger Wood in Gloucestershire but before that we will no doubt have some kind of social. So keep an eye out for emails.
  • Lastly, if you are a member you should have received an email telling you you are subscribed to the mailing list. From now on all news will be sent via
    20 November 2000

Some sage words on our ice skating social seem to be required, but I am freezing to death in the physics computer room. The rink was warmer! But here goes: it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and even those of us with limited skating experience managed to totter around enthusiastically.
Don't forget that this weekend is the trip to Ravenshill Wood, final details will be emailed in a day or so.
14 November 2000
Dry stone walling went better than could have been predicted - not only did people turn up instead of staying in their warm beds, but we also succeeded in rebuilding a 20m section of Mendip wall without drowning. The trip to the pub was even more welcome than usual though!
In the next fortnight we have some sort of social event, as well as the weekend away to Ravenshill Wood. Emails will be sent out with details shortly.
6 November 2000
I offer my humblest apologies for an appalling drinking performance on the pub crawl last night. Nonetheless, it was a good evening and we welcomed some new faces along with the regulars.
Our next Sunday event is not until 5 November, an email will be going out with the details soon.
25 October 2000
Our second joint venture with the Avon Wildlife Trust (aka the Avon Ladies) was again very enjoyable, with lots of tree felling carnage at Brown's Folly near Bath. The coppicing work we did opened up a glade and also provided a dead hedge - both valuable habitats.
Don't miss the PUB CRAWL on Tuesday 24 October, for details see the programme page.
23 October 2000
Yesterday's trip to Lower Woods in South Gloucestershire was a lot of fun (except for the midges), with plenty of sawing, bashing and burning done. The area of cleared scrub next to the track will provide a drier, more open habitat and will help people walk through without drowning in mud! And we certainly showed the Avon Wildlife Trust what hard work was, eh?
The next trip is on Sunday, I will email with details this week.
16 October 2000
Monday's social in the Epi was well attended and it looks like we've got a good crowd for the year. Lots of you have signed-up for Sunday's trip to Lower Woods, so much so that we could virtually fill a second minibus (if we had one). I'm searching for extra transport and will be in touch with all those on the reserve list later this week.
10 October 2000

Hello! To all our old members: welcome back to Bristol. Or if you are visiting this site for the first time then have a look around and see what we do. Come along to FRESH on Thursday and Friday to join us or have a chat; alternatively email me:
In any case I look forward to seeing you all for another year of conserving!
Tim Evans, President
5 October 2000

Signing off... Goodbye to all current members and have a fun summer - I hope you've enjoyed the year as much as I have.
If you are visiting this site for the first time then have a look around and see what we do. Come along to FRESH at the beginning of the autumn term to join us or have a chat; alternatively email me:
In any case I look forward to seeing you all for another year of conserving!
Tim Evans, President
20 June 2000

After a long break due to exams I have finally got around to updating the website. If you haven't already heard there is a BARBECUE on Friday 16 June at University Hall from 7.30pm. Bring some food and drink - and some beer money for later! Please email me on te8911 to let me know if you're coming.
12 June 2000
Hello! ...and welcome back to sunny Bristol for the summer term. I don't really know what's going on at the moment but if you are desperate for some news then email me (Tim - te8911) and I will try to find out. See the programme page for up-to-the-minute information on events...!
2 May 2000
The AGM has now taken place, so we have a (mostly) brand new bunch of officers for the next academic year - see the committee page to see who's doing what. The annual awards ceremony also happened, so if you want to see who won the "pyromaniac" award (and all the others) a list can be found in the scrapbook.
28 March 2000
Sunday's trip to Berrow Dunes was a great success with sun, sea, sand and (of course) marram grass all contributing to a marvellous day out. The wording of our constitution will have to be checked carefully to see whether members are in fact permitted to eat ice-creams on a Sunday excursion. Look forward to photos of this and other events as soon as they get developed...
13 March 2000
For the few of you who missed the pub crawl on Thursday, here is a brief report:
The evening started off quietly in the Highbury Vaults with a paltry three members, but numbers snowballed dramatically as we descended St. Michael's Hill. By the time we reached the Ship Inn there were literally nine of us involved in the epic heaving mass of BUCG revellers. The moral of the story is to come along next time 'cos otherwise we'll come and find you!!!
10 March 2000
James and Alastair have organised a pub crawl for Thursday 9th - see the programme page for details. No responsibility is accepted for any consequential injury.....
6 March 2000
An electronic BUCG scrapbook has now been created... click on the button to go there.
2 March 2000
Our AGM is coming up in the next month, so have a think as to whether you would like to stand for a position on the committee for next year. Traditionally we drink beer and eat curry and the actual election takes about 5 minutes....
Check the programme page for details.
28 February 2000
Sorry to those of you who couldn't make the weekend away in North Devon, everyone had an excellent time. We stayed in a half million pound community centre, drove down an old railway in the minibus, hacked and slashed for the benefit of dormice and drank beer in a cracking little pub. Plus Helen's epic pasta bake, a trip to the seaside in the rain, winding roads(!).....
28 February 2000
The Union would like you all to attend its AGM on Thursday 10 February in the Anson Room and has pointed out that certain issues may affect our group. In particular there are motions on forcing societies to have "UBU" in their names instead of "BU or "UB", affiliating with the Countryside Alliance instead of the NUS and stuff like that. There is also the usual range of bizarre and/or pointless issues and the traditional student carrot of cheap beer!!! Surely you haven't got anything better to do on an afternoon off lectures.....?
7 February 2000

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