Student forms

Student forms
Form Student type Contact
S‌tudent Appeal Form Undergraduate, postgraduate
Application for the Recognition of Prior Learning (Office document, 58kB) Undergraduate, postgraduate Contact your school office
Authorisation for the use of a translation dictionary in examinations (Office document, 50kB) Undergraduate, postgraduate
Request to change mode of attendance (Office document, 38kB) Undergraduate, postgraduate Contact your school office
C‌omplaint form Undergraduate, postgraduate Refer to: Make a complaint
disclose to a third party consent form (PDF, 483kB) Undergraduate, postgraduate
Coursework extension request form Undergraduate, postgraduate Refer to: Request a coursework extension
Defer access to a research degree dissertation Research postgraduate Refer to: Delay public access to your thesis (dissertation)
Exams outside of the UK request form (Office document, 33kB)   Exams outside of the UK policy (Office document, 36kB)
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