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Conference Reports

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Conference presentations/reports

Friday 28 March

CONFERENCE (1st day)

1st Keynote speech: Dr P. Caracostas: The role of the universities in the European Research Area
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2nd Keynote speech: Professor Sir David King, Chief Scientific Adviser to HM Government and Head of the Office of Science and Technology:The UK approach to research in the higher education sector
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14.00-15.30 Plenary Session 2 - Setting the scene

3rd Keynote speech: Prof. Eric Thomas, Vice-Chancellor University of Bristol, introducing: Structural issues impacting upon the development of university research, the UK experience.
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1st case study: Finland – Prof. Lauri Lajunen, Rector of the University of Oulu
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2nd case study: Italy – Prof. Massimo Egidi, Rector of Trento University
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Conference evaluation results

View/download conference evaluationa results.


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Last updated on 16/04/03
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