E-book writer Part C: Editing

We’ll now edit the underlying eBook files to leave some of the inputs for the eBook reader to specify.

First we first return to the main page of the eBook reader (you can do this from any page in an eBook, by pressing the 'EStat E-Book reader' link on the left of the black bar at the top), and delete the current eBook (see below).

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Our eBook is stored as a zip file which contains several files. We therefore need to extract the files in the eBook into a folder. Having done this we open the file ebookdef.ttl in an appropriate text editor (e.g. Notepad, Wordpad, etc.). This file contains structural information about the eBook including the templates and datasets used, and the inputs set for each template. We can comment-out (or delete) any inputs we wish to leave for the eBook reader to specify. Further details of what each input is can be ascertained from the code of the template itself, or via the template's supporting eBook (if available).

Here we’ve commented out inputs pertaining to whether plotted points should be grouped or not (Gp), and whether to create more than one panel of plots (i.e. conditioned on another variable; howmany).

<#inputs0> a estat:TemplateInput;
       estatinput:Engine "RScript"  ;
#      estatinput:howmany "none"  ;
       estatinput:plottype "xyplot"  ;
#      estatinput:Gp "No"  ;
       estatinput:var1 "standlrt"  ;
       estatinput:var2 "normexam"  .

Having saved these changes, we need to zip the eBook folder back up, and import it once more into Stat-JR's eBook-reading interface.

Having done so, we can now see that the input question box appears on its first page, asking us to specify the inputs we have just commented-out:

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To explore further, why not try commenting-out/deleting other inputs? We leave this as an exercise for the interested reader.

Go back to eBook Writer Part B: Importing the eBook

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