Health, Safety and Quality Assurance Policy

The policy is an overarching document which demonstrates leadership commitment. It sets out how Campus Division will approach and discharge its duties for the management of health, safety, wellbeing and quality.

Policy aim

Campus Division considers the integration of active health, safety and quality management an integral part of its business performance, and a key component of its business-as-usual operating model. This is achieved through governance and active engagement by the Campus Division Leadership Team, and by empowering and enabling colleagues from our three business streams; Campus Innovation, Campus Operations and Campus Development, and other relevant stakeholders to effectively identify, assess, and manage hazards, and to drive continuous improvement.

This policy sets out our commitment to providing a safe workplace and healthy working environment whilst maintaining our stakeholder needs.


This policy applies to all Campus Division staff, as well as any University of Bristol staff, agency staff, students, contractors, business partners, volunteers and others who may be impacted by our work activities. The commitment and co-operation of everyone concerned is necessary.

Key objectives

Campus Division will ensure the provision and maintenance of safe buildings, safe facilities and safe grounds, including any statutory testing or monitoring of building fabric, services and infrastructure. The Campus Division Leadership team will lead by example and be champions of health and safety promoting the benefits of positive health and safety practices and behaviours, whilst delivering the Campus mission. The Campus Division Leadership team is committed to:

Compliance with applicable laws and regulations

Identifying applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements and ensure that appropriate controls are in place to achieve compliance. We will ensure that our buildings, grounds, plant and equipment, systems and processes meet appropriate health and safety standards, and our activities are conducted safely and in compliance with those requirements and standards.

Hazard identification and risk management

Ensuring suitable mechanisms are in place to identify, assess and manage hazards to health and safety, adopting this risk-based approach to health and safety management.

Driving positive behaviours

Engaging with our colleagues and stakeholders to give them the capability, opportunity and motivation to develop skills and competencies required to prevent work related injury and ill health, and to consider the safety of colleagues and others who may be affected by their work so that safety is held as a core business value.

Developing a positive health and safety culture

Fostering a culture of open communication, consultation, and a shared commitment where our colleagues and stakeholders can raise concerns on any health and safety matters. We will treat the concerns raised seriously and respond accordingly. This is achieved through the rigorous attention to management system information and processes.

Promoting wellness and wellbeing

Ensuring the wellness and wellbeing of our employees at work, by maintaining and promoting a supportive and inclusive work environment. We will implement initiatives to promote physical and mental health and will address concerns in a timely manner to ensure a thriving workforce.

Engaging with our key stakeholders

To involve, consult and communicate with relevant staff, their elected representatives and other relevant internal and external stakeholders, on matters impacting their health and safety and to work in partnership with other stakeholders where facilities are shared or where activities are undertaken in collaboration. By partnering with suppliers, customers and contractors, we can develop and deliver a high standard of health and safety performance.

Prevention of accidents and incidents

Ensuring mechanisms are in place to help prevent, reduce, and minimise occupational ill health, and support those in the workplace with health conditions or disabilities. Where near misses and incidents do occur, it is imperative that we learn the lessons necessary to prevent them from happening again and that we share any outcomes across our Division.

Developing the skills and competence of our people

Ensuring adequate and appropriate resource is available by providing competent advice and subject matter expertise to enable the Campus Division to effectively manage risks and meet legal obligations and recognised best practice. To ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood, and everyone is aware of and can meet their responsibilities for health, safety and quality assurance. The provision of appropriate information, instruction, training, and supervision. Continual development of competence and skills of our people, allowing them to fulfil their roles and aid the Division in meeting its objectives.

Promoting continual improvement

Our approach to managing health, safety and quality will be pragmatic and proportionate and will be prioritised according to risk. We will set objectives and targets and assess health, safety and quality performance data to identify opportunities for improvement, helping us reduce the risk of work-related injury or ill health. Health and safety performance will be managed proactively through a plan of departmental and topic specific audits, inspection of work areas, analysing root incident root causes and sharing lessons learnt. Quality performance will be managed by ensuring rigorous integrity of our Integrated Management System, assessing the impact of changes, and by taking action on opportunities.


The Campus Division Leadership Team, in conjunction with the Campus Health, Safety and Quality Assurance team, support and implement safety arrangements within the Division. The organisational arrangements for specific roles within the Division are set out in the Health and Safety Roles, Responsibilities and Organisation guidance document


Within the University of Bristol (UoB), the responsibility for the implementation of the UoB Group Health and Safety Policy has been delegated by the Board of Trustees to the UoB Vice Chancellor & President. Executive responsibility for health and safety on a day-to-day basis is delegated to the Registrar. The Registrar delegates specific health and safety responsibilities relating to the management of the university campus to the Chief Property Officer.


Campus Division is committed to reviewing and developing its Health, Safety and Quality Assurance Policy and the organisational arrangements required to deliver it. To ensure this policy is suitable and effective, and reflects current business activity and any legislative changes, the policy, it’s implementation and effectiveness will be reviewed annually or earlier if circumstances dictate. It is a requirement of that this policy is communicated to and its implications are understood and acted upon by all staff, and other relevant stakeholders.

Barra Mac Ruairí
Chief Property Officer


Document information


Version: 6.0
Effective Date: 1 March 2024
Document Type: Policy document
Owning Department: Campus Division Health, Safety and Quality Assurance Team
Version Author: Felicity Evans
 Review Period:  1 year

Version history

VersionReason for issueIssue dateVerson authorReview due date
1.0 New document 03/07/19 Unknown 03/07/20
2.0 Updated to reflect new Campus Division and align with main UoB Policy 20/11/20 Renee Sawyer Fry 20/11/21
3.0 Policy streamlined and updated to reflect changes 13/05/22 Tendy Mwarewangepo 13/05/22
4.0 Policy updated to reflect the updated Professional Services Leadership structure and include arrangements for employee wellness and wellbeing 06/02/2023 Tendy Mwarewangepo 06/02/2024
5.0 Policy reviewed to reflect updated delegation route and to align with updated UoB Group Health and Safety Policy 15/06/2023 Tendy Mwarewangepo 14/06/2024
6.0 Integrated with Quality Policy 01/03/2024 Felicity Evans 01/03/2025
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