Campus Health, Safety and Quality Assurance
The Campus Division Health, Safety and Quality Assurance team provides dedicated safety and health advice and support to the Campus Division to ensure that the Division complies with University policies, industry standards and applicable UK health and safety legislation.
About us
Our aim is to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of our staff. Additionally, we aim to safeguard others, principally students, contractors, and members of the public who may be exposed to risks arising from our work activities. We work to promote a high standard of safety management by collaboratively engaging with operational teams and other stakeholders, to drive continuous improvement.
We work with the University's Safety and Health Services team and other relevant departments to ensure consistency across the University.
For information on how we manage health, safety and quality, please read our Health, Safety and Quality Policy.
What we do
We facilitate a number of activities including:
- accident and incident management
- audits and inspections
- contractor and plant room inductions
- health and safety guidance and support
- legal compliance
- permits to work
- risk identification and risk assessment
- training.
Contact us
For general non-urgent enquiries and requests, including, but not limited to, permits to work, general advice, guidance and document reviews, email us at
For all emergency issues, call the 24 hour Security Services number on 0117 3311223.
Information for staff
Staff can find Health, Safety and Quality Assurance information on Sharepoint.
Information for contractors
Health and safety information for contractors, including Permit to Work procedures and general conditions for work.