Government and policy partnerships
We pride ourselves on our expertise. By working closely with government and policymakers, we can use it to effect positive change on environmental policy and laws worldwide. We work in a number of areas outlined below.
If you would like to collaborate with us on policymaking, please do not hesitate to get in touch at
Global climate policy
Our climate experts contribute to major reports on global climate policy including the IPCC reports and UK Climate Risk Assessment which are crucial in the lead up to COP negotiations. Read more about the contributions we have made to global climate policy.
Conference of the Parties (COP)
Our academics have also been involved in the Conference of the Parties (COP) for many years, including within the negotiations themselves and representing Bristol at the international stage. Read more about our involvement at COP.
Bonn Climate Change Conference
We attend the Bonn Climate Change Conference to play an active part in helping the world to deliver a low-carbon, just and resilient world. Attending SB60 negotiations allows us unique insight into the operationalisation and implementation of the next steps agreed at COP28 in Dubai, in particular in the wake of the first Global Stocktake on international progress in limiting global temperature rise to 1.5oC, which we are currently not on track to achieve. Read more about our involvement at the Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB60).
Government Office for Science
We have close working connections with the Government Office for Science and BEIS. Our academics have held positions in the office and we have had members of the office sit on our External Advisory Board.
Citizens Climate Assembly UK
Professor Dale Southerton and Dr Jo House have been selected to be part of the Climate Assembly UK. The Assembly was commissioned by six cross-party House of Commons Select Committees in summer 2019 in response to the Government’s commitment to meet net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Dale and Jo will use their expert knowledge to review written briefings for Assembly members and to support Expert Leads in their role. Read more.
Jo spoke at the Citizens Climate Assembly UK in February 2020. She answered around 50 quickfire rapid questions from participants afterwards which she said was "intensive but fantastic, people asked such good questions, they were really engaged and enthusiastic to know what could be done. It was such a privilege to be there". You can watch her talk along with great short talks from experts on many different topics here, including David Attenborough, on the Climate Assembly UK website.
Local government
The Mayor of Bristol has created new Governance structures to lead the city’s response to the climate emergency including the One City Plan and the Climate Action Plan: A new City Office Environmental Sustainability Board of which Caboteer Professor Dale Southerton is a board member; and the Bristol Advisory Committee on Climate Change which is co-chaired by Caboteer Dr Jo House. Read about the Sustainability Board. Read about the Council action on climate change.
The Bristol Advisory Committee on Climate Change provides technical expertise to help the city to understand and accelerate progress towards its ambition to be a carbon-neutral and climate-resilient city by 2030. The Committee provides technical advice on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation measures to all six ‘One City’ thematic boards, which cover the areas of economy, environmental sustainability, health and wellbeing, homes and communities, learning and skills, and transport and connectivity. Caboteer Dr Alix Dietzel also sits on the board. Read more.
Training future policymakers
Our unique Masters by Research in Global Environmental Challenges offers students the opportunity to work on a one year policy research project. Find out more about our Masters course.
All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group
We are a member of the All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group (APPCCG) which advances understanding of policy issues surrounding climate change and enables cross-party discussion and action on climate policy.
Working closely with PolicyBristol
We work closely with our University colleagues at PolicyBristol which aims to enhance the influence and impact of research from across the University of Bristol on policy and practice at the local, national and international level.
Contact us
If you would like to find out more about how we can work with government and policymakers, please contact Sophie Ross-Smith, Cabot Institute Manager.