University Education Committee

University Education Committee was established in 1994 as an overarching quality assurance committee for educational matters.  It reports to Senate. 

Shortcuts: Purpose | Terms of Reference | Membership | Quorum | Mode of operation and agenda setting | Meeting dates | Sub-committees | Record of business


The main purposes of University Education Committee are to:

Terms of reference

Decision making (on behalf of Senate):

1. To develop and articulate the University's vision for education enhancement, assurance and innovation via the University’s Education and Student Experience Strategy and maintain oversight of its delivery.

2. To make decisions on educational priorities, with the aim of enhancing the academic experience for students in line with the Education and Student Experience Strategy and the University's education-related risks and Strategic Performance Indicators (SPIs).

3. To make decisions and maintain strategic oversight for education, for all programmes from foundation to doctoral levels, within the context of the Education and Student Experience Strategy. This includes:

4. To make decisions on proposals for new programmes of study (foundation, undergraduate, taught postgraduate and postgraduate research), for major modifications to existing programmes and for the suspension and withdrawal of programmes (including teaching out plans). Detailed scrutiny will be undertaken by University Academic Quality and Standards Committee.

5. To make decisions, where appropriate, on proposals for external educational partnerships, collaborative arrangements and arrangements for validation of degrees offered by other institutions. Detailed scrutiny will be undertaken by University Academic Quality and Standards Committee. 

6. To ensure alignment between the vision for education (as set out in the Education and Student Experience Strategy) and faculty and divisional planning through the Integrated Planning Process (IPP).  

7. To make decisions on admissions policy and criteria relating to widening participation and entry tariffs.

Advisory to other committees:

8. To advise Senate on high-level strategic engagement with the Teaching Excellence Framework.

9. To keep Senate updated on matters that relate to the delivery of educational strategic initiatives.

10. To advise Senate on the current debates and key areas of work in the education arena and seek input on strategic institution-level education issues.

11. To advise the Board of Trustees on University compliance with the Office for Students regulatory framework.

12. To advise relevant committees, including University Executive Board, on education priorities and initiatives, and on the infrastructure (including physical and digital environment and systems) requirements to deliver the University's vision for education.


The membership of the Committee for 2024-25 is as follows:

Job title Name
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) [Chair] Professor Tansy Jessop 
Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) Dr Mark Allinson
Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (PGR) Professor Harry Mellor
Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Innovation and Enhancement) Professor Alvin Birdi
Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education Quality and Standards) Professor Kate Whittington
Faculty Education Director (representing UG)  Dr James Freeman
Faculty Education Director (representing PGT) Professor Astrid Linthorst
Bristol SU UG Education Officer Mia Stevens
Bristol SU PG Education Officer Gurvin Chopra
Executive Director for Education and Students Paula Coonerty
Director of Library Services and University Librarian Ed Fay
Academic Registrar Jen Morgan
Director of Education Quality and Policy [Committee Adviser]

Elinor Davies 

Director of Education Innovation

Sarah Davies

Vice-Chancellor Professor Evelyn Welch

Standing invitations are issued to:


The Chair or nominee and at least five other members of the Committee.

Mode of operation and agenda setting

The Committee will normally meet eight times a year. Chair's powers may be used between meetings of the Committee to address urgent and / or confidential matters (any action undertaken through Chair's powers will be reported to the next meeting of the Committee). 

Please contact the Secretary (Kathryn Maycock) if you wish to discuss adding an item to the agenda for University Education Committee. The paper deadlines for University Education Committee are listed as part of the meeting dates however items for the agenda must be raised with the Secretary at least 3 weeks before the meeting date so that the agenda can be finalised at a pre-meeting with the Chair.    

Meeting dates  

University Education Committee dates 2024/25
Paper deadlines Meeting dates
Monday 16 September 2024 Wednesday 25 September 2024
Monday 21 October 2024 Wednesday 30 October 2024
Monday 25 November 2024 Wednesday 4 December 2024
Monday 13 January 2025 Wednesday 22 January 2025
Monday 24 February 2025 Wednesday 5 March 2025
Monday 24 March 2025 Wednesday 2 April 2025
Monday 28 April 2025 Wednesday 7 May 2025
Tuesday 27 May 2025 Wednesday 4 June 2025



Please see the diagram demonstrating theUniversity Education Committee reporting structure (PDF, 111kB)        

Record of business

Summary reports from University Education Committee are available for download (UoB only)