Annual Review of Programmes

Annual Review of Programmes

An annual review must be carried out for all UG, PGT and PGR programmes including those delivered as part of a Doctoral Training Entity (DTE).  Actions arising from the annual review are recorded and monitored in the school's Education Action Plans. Further further information on conducting the annual review of programmes please see the Guidance for APR - Taught (Office document, 134kB) and Guidance for APR - Research (Office document, 64kB)

When conducting your annual programme review, please refer to the useful Student Data tools held here

Please also see additional guidance, which can be used to aid reflection on issues specific to joint honours programmes and the review of inter-disciplinary units that are not connected to a programme. There is also a paper on Ethics in Teaching (PDF, 33kB) which may be useful when considering this aspect of your programmes.

Programmes that are teaching out are required to submit an annual report which confirms the teaching-out plan. These must be submitted to by September 30th (UG) or March 31st (PGT) and the APR Template for teaching out programmes (Office document, 37kB) should be used.

If you have any queries about the annual QA process for your programmes please email