
In modular programmes each unit is assigned a level which relates to the learning outcomes for that particular unit. Each unit is also allocated a number of credit points.

FHEQ levelPrevious UoB levelRelates to
N/A QCA level 3 Advanced

level 3 units that may be considered as alternatives to A levels, typically permitting entry to degree programmes, and feature in foundation-level programmes,

4 Level C (Certificate Level) Units which are normally taken in the first stage of an undergraduate programme. Level C / 4 units contribute to an Undergraduate Certificate of Higher Education.
5 Level I (Intermediate Level) Units which are normally taken in the second stage of an undergraduate programme. Level I / 5 units contribute towards Diplomas of Higher Education, foundation degrees and ordinary (bachelors) degrees.
6 Level H (Honours Level) Units which are normally taken in the final stage of an undergraduate programme. Level H / 6 units contribute towards bachelors degrees with honours, Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas.
7 Level M (Masters Level) Units making up taught masters programmes. Level M /7 units contribute towards Masters degrees, MSci or MEng degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates.
8 Level D (Doctoral Level) Doctorate level

The QAA published the framework for higher education qualifications of UK degree awarding bodies in November 2014, which includes national level descriptors. A further document entitled 'Higher Education Credit Framework for England - guidance on academic credit arrangements in higher education in England' was also published in August 2008.

The University of Bristol incorporates these levels into its nomenclature as explained above. The University has also introduced a Credit Framework to show the level of its awards and the amount of credit at each level which is required for each award. The QAA framework also includes qualification descriptors outlining what a student should have demonstrated at each level. When unit codes were first implemented the number equated to the year in the programme in which the unit was taught.

As levels of study were introduced, unit codes were linked to levels as follows:1 equates to level C/4; 2 equates to level I/5; 3 equates to level H/6. In addition, Masters level / level 7 units are shown by the letter M in the unit code and Doctoral level / level 8 units are shown by the letter D in the unit code. QCA level 3 Advanced units have a 0 prefix. Levels are indicated by the fifth character (the first number) in a unit code e.g. DRAM 10001.