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Summer 2006 Events Programme

This is an archived programme, click here for the current programme.

Thursday 8th June

Pub social

Meet us at The Woods on Park Street Avenue (at the top of Park Street) from 7.30pm for a drink in the garden.

Thursday 22nd June

Summer BBQ

President Vicky has persuaded her housemates to let us burn stuff in their back garden, so come along with your offerings to the Fire God (i.e. meat and alcohol). It'll be the last event of the year and a chance to say goodbye to those who are leaving us. The address is 53 Raglan Road, BS7 8EF and we'll kick off at 6.30pm.

>> Map

Monday 21st - Friday 25th August


The annual excursion to Arran is a little earlier and a little shorter this year, but should be good fun as usual. Accommodation is in a log cabin (see photos and more photos from previous trips). If you want to go then email Vicky vm4259 to find out if there are any places left.

Older programmes can be found in the archive.