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Scotland 2004

10th-17th September 2004

BUCG Scotland 2004 Group: 
Tim, Gemma, Rob, Ally, Vicky, Gwen, Sam, Lisa and Tony


Following the success of last year's residential, we spent another week on the Isle of Arran in September 2004. Our accommodation in Shore Lodge on the Brodick Castle estate was provided by the National Trust for Scotland and in return we did 5 days of varied work in the wind, rain and (occasionally) sun.

The first couple of days were taken up with destroying non-indigenous rhododendrons (traditional slash'n'burn) before we switched to some more novel work. We were taught to recognise about 10 tree species by a German guy called Flo, then set about selectively thinning a patch of woodland.....

lovely native trees oak, scots pine, birch
chop some of 'em down white pine, beech, douglas fir, willow, rowan/mountain ash
nasty evil trees western hemlock, sitka spruce (spikey!), rhodies (boo hiss)

...We also had a day in Glen Rosa clearing out drainage gullies and finished with stile building in the company of a herd of highland cattle.

On our midweek day off Sam circumcised the island by bike whilst everyone else had an epic 3 hour crazy golf session followed by a trip to a waterfall. Evenings were filled with marvellous self-catered meals and trips to the Ormidale Hotel.


There was a fairly healthy crop of innuendo and stupid comments! Find these on the quotes board.

Gwen's Photos

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Vicky's photos

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Tim's photos

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