The Symbol

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The Symbol: 

Mairian Corker (1994) describes this type and the corresponding work situation in terms of tokenism.  However, although the situation she describes is similar I believe the motivation in mental health work   is different.  The symbol enters the team as a deaf professional, respected by deaf and hearing people alike.  He/she has good achievements and has an involvement with deaf people and a place in the community. He/she is a high achiever.  Much is expected and much can be achieved.  However, there is a constant struggle against two major limiting factors - the hearing people’s grip on the power in the team and the lack of real support.  What may not be realised is that the higher the performance of the deaf person, the more the need for  support services - interpreting, note-taking, translations.  To be effective the promised services must be in place.  Because of his/her skills and knowledge, this person may cover  up a lot of the difficulties in deference to the opportunity which he/she has been offered and in response to the implicit pressure of other deaf people’s  needs.  When symbols from different teams or sections get together they are able to exchange their understanding and can feel able to challenge the provision levels but in reality, they feel no major changes can be achieved until deaf people occupy all the main positions in the team.

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This page was last modified January 25, 2000