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The Puzzled
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The Angry

The Deaf-hearing person: 

There is an element of this person in all deaf workers.  There has to be.  It has been in-built.  Whether the root is in a hearing family who demanded certain behaviour or whether it was the realisation that school success was only possible by becoming most like hearing people, the relations at work mean that there has to be a switch.  Wendy Daunt described this at a first meeting of the Society.  This switch identifies the person with whom you are interacting and then switches on to a specific modality.  Unfortunately, this leads to hearing behaviour with hearing people and deaf behaviour with deaf people.  Fine, except that no change occurs in the system.  This allows the hearing people to continue to function as they had before, satisfied that they have their deaf worker. The deaf patients have to have their problems translated into hearing terms.   The description of the problems has to be fitted into hearing terminology and hearing therapeutic methods.  This gives neither the understanding to hearing professionals nor does it offer a realistic chance of improvement to the deaf person.

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to the Centre for Deaf Studies and the Lecturers named above
and should not be used for any other purpose than personal study.
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This page was last modified January 25, 2000