The Dictionary

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The Puzzled
The Dictionary
The Symbol
The Angry

The Dictionary: 

Sometimes it transpires that hearing professionals see their needs only in terms of the language.  If only they could sign, then the process would be much easier.  The deaf person finds himself/herself in the role of intermediary.  Sometimes, she/he has to act as a relay between hearing professionals and patients; but  commonly it is the dictionary role which is most evident.  Hearing people, practitioners and interpreters, seek signs for words/concepts.  This deaf person finds a major part of the job to educate the other members of the team in sign.  Since there are no courses for the training of deaf people to develop teaching of sign for fellow professionals in specific work settings, such a demand creates strain on the deaf person.

The course is copyright
to the Centre for Deaf Studies and the Lecturers named above
and should not be used for any other purpose than personal study.
© 2000

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This page was last modified January 25, 2000