The Puzzled

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The Puzzled: 

has always been a strong member of the deaf community and has always felt that hearing people should have more deaf people with them in professional life.  She/he has seen the problems which deaf people have in dealing with their emotions and behaviour and wants to help.  So far there has not been an opportunity for training at least not to the level of the hearing staff and he/she feels a little uncertain.  However, the main problem is that the helping of deaf people seems to be a much smaller part of the job than was envisaged.  For most of the time there are meetings with hearing people, or when these are not taking place,  there are sets of tasks which have to be completed which are not within her/his experience.  The relation of these activities to making deaf people better is very puzzling.  The lack of other deaf people can increase the problem; and discussions with other “puzzled” deaf people may only compound the difficulty.

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This page was last modified January 25, 2000