
Resource Library (UoB access only)

A selection of videos, articles, podcasts, reports and books to support learning around EDI. Please note that this list is not exhaustive. If you have any suggestions for further resources, please email

EDI guidance, toolkits & frameworks

We aim to engage all members of our University community in building a culture of inclusion and belonging where all colleagues feel connected, empowered and respected. One way of doing this is by providing a range of resources to equip each of us with the knowledge and understanding to embed equity, diversity and inclusion in everything that we do.

EDI Forum

The EDI Forum is a community of practice for colleagues who share a responsibility or remit for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). It provides a space where they can share ideas, experiences and best practice and support each other in advancing inclusion in the workplace.


Our ambitious Diversify initiative provides a range of measures we can take to improve representation of marginalised groups across all levels of our workforce. With a particular focus on people across our professional services divisions, Diversify seeks to attract, develop and retain talented individuals from different backgrounds and heritages. This in turn contributes to our diverse and inclusive University community where people from the broadest possible range of backgrounds can reach their full potential and thrive at work.

Staff Networks

Our staff networks provide a safe space for colleagues with shared identities or circumstances to connect with others, share experiences and challenge organisational practices to create a more inclusive working environment.

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