The transformative power of the global civic university

Future through partnership

Co-create a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous future, working in partnership with a wide range of organisations across a breadth of local, national and global communities.


As a global civic institution we can make a positive impact locally, nationally and globally by convening conversations and driving action to address the challenges ahead.

Empowered participation

Enable all staff and students to participate in and drive our civic mission and ensure that the whole university community reflects the diversity of the city region.


Our civic ambitions can be best shaped and delivered collectively by a diverse and empowered university community.

Inclusive places, engaging people

Ensure our existing infrastructure and new developments – including the flagship Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus and New University Library – are key drivers of the global civic mission and are shaped in collaboration with local communities and businesses.


Having one of the largest physical and operational footprints across the city provides many opportunities to embody our civic values and our commitment to social responsibility.

Responsible innovation and enterprise

Facilitate and co-produce social and technical innovation, from new products and services to new enterprises and structures, driving social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts.


Sharing knowledge and expertise, and collaborative innovation, are key to generating positive impacts such as inclusive growth, social value and increased wellbeing.