Experience what it's like to study a science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM) subject at the University of Bristol.

Programme content


During the 4-session online programme, you will: 
    • meet academics and current students
    • take part in taster seminars
    • get involved in interactive tasks
    • receive information and guidance about studying a STEM subject at university.


The programme is for: 
  • Year 12 students at a state school or college in the UK 
  • Prospective mature students 
who are interested in studying a STEM subject at university.
If we receive more applications than we have places for, we will give priority to applicants who are: 
  • part of the first generation in their family to go to university
  • attend an aspiring state school or college
  • live in an area of low participation in higher education
  • are Black, Asian, of mixed background featuring one of these groups, or identify as belonging to another Minority Ethnic group
  • are or have been eligible for free school meals
  • have spent three or more months in local authority care
  • are currently an estranged student
  • are considered a mature student (over 21 years old when you will begin your first degree).

Dates and times

The STEM Up! programme occurs over four weeks. Sessions are an hour and a half, and take place online, at 5 pm to 6:30 pm on: 
  • Monday 26 February
  • Monday 4 March
  • Monday 11 March
  • Monday 18 March

How to apply

Current Year 12 students and mature students can apply from 17 October 2023. Places are limited. 
The deadline for applications is Sunday 7 January 2024. 
On the application form you will need to select one subject stream from the following:
  • Engineering (Computer Science; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Engineering Maths; Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
  • Science (Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Earth Sciences, Geography)
  • Life Sciences (Biological Sciences; Biochemistry; Cellular and Molecular Medicine; Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience; Psychological Sciences)
Please note that there will not be a Health Sciences (Medicine, Vet Sci or Dentistry) element on this programme, and this programme will not be applicable to those who wish to study those subjects in the future.  
Before selecting a stream below please see the relevant course home page by searching through our online prospectus for the entry requirements to help guide you in your choices.
Apply now
We will email you by 5pm, Friday 19 January if we can offer you a place on the programme. 

Testimonials from students on the 2023 STEM Up! programme


‘I really enjoyed the academic taster sessions. I learnt lots of new things which were very interesting and also relevant to my A levels. They were also very interactive and I found it useful being able to ask questions.’


‘Thanks to your programme and activities, I understand how much value science holds in our lives.’ 

'I learnt about different careers in STEM and why the people decide to pursue them. I saw the life of a university student at Bristol.'

‘I enjoyed learning from all of the students, even if it wasn't of areas I was interested in – it made me want to continue to look into the subjects more, and expanded my knowledge of how research is conducted at university.’


Contact us

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