Wellbeing and Mental Health

This interdisciplinary team of researchers shares a common goal of understanding and promoting wellbeing and mental health through diverse research interests and methodologies. Our interests span a wide range of mental health conditions, but with particular focus on common forms of mental health difficulties like depression and anxiety. We also have strengths in understanding positive wellbeing.

The team's research extends into various domains, including perinatal health, substance use, animal welfare, the impact of cognitive challenges on affective states, and life-course trajectories.

Interests of the group members are represented in the figure below.

The overall aim of this research team is to contribute to a holistic understanding of mental health, ranging from genetic influences to social and environmental factors (and their interaction), with the ultimate goal of informing interventions and promoting positive mental wellbeing. 

If you would like to know more about current research in WaMH, please contact the research group leads:


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