Athena SWAN

The Athena Swan charter recognises efforts made to ensure a positive environment for women working in science; that they are represented at all levels, their contribution, skills and experience are recognised, and that they are retained and promoted appropriately.

We acknowledge the importance of equal participation of women in a subject in which gender balance varies from predominantly female on entry as an undergraduate to predominantly male at professorial level. As an Athena SWAN Bronze award holder the School of Psychological Science is dedicated to the continued improvement of our working practices to ensure a positive working environment for all staff and students.


Our commitment to improving equality within the School of Psychological Science has resulted in the following achievements:

  • Recent growth in the proportion of female staff members of the School including an increase in the number of female professors.
  • Increased the representation of female researchers and practitioners in our teaching of psychology and in our outreach activities.


We are continuing to improve and develop our practices and our aims include:

  • To further promote the visibility of female role models in our subject.
  • To continue to increase the proportion of female senior staff in our School.
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