(3) Open Seminar:
Tackling Child Poverty: Lessons from the UK and New Frontiers in Japan



Venue: Doshisha University, Kyoto
Time: January 9th, 2012 10:00~17:00

10.00 — Opening Words
Toshiaki Tachibanaki, Doshisha University

10.10 — Session 1: Child Benefits
Jonathan Bradshaw, University of York:
The New Government and Family Related Benefits in the UK

Michihiko Tokoro, Osaka City University:
Policy Responses to Child Poverty and the Limits of Japanese Welfare System: Lessons from Child Benefit Reform

12.00 — Lunch

10.10 — Session 2: Understanding Child Poverty and Social Exclusion
Moderator: Hirotoshi Yano, Mukogawa Women's University

Esther Dermott, University of Bristol:
Promoting Parenting: a UK response to improving outcomes for children

Comment: Aya ABE (IPSS)

Ichiro Matsumoto, Hokkaido University:
Child poverty and 'overlapping disadvantages'

Comment: Christina Pantazis (University of Bristol)

14.45 — Break

10.10 — Session 3 Tackling Child Poverty
Moderator: M.Mensendiek, Doshisha University

Naomi Yuzawa, Rikkyo University:
Child poverty and social work

Comment: Aya ABE (IPSS)

T. Uzuhashi, Doshsiha University:
Enhancing 'Competency of Children in Poverty (in Japanese)
Poverty and Competency of Children (in English)

Comment: David Gordon (University of Bristol)

16.45 — Closing Words

17.15 — Close




An International Comparison of Modern Welfare State: Position and Prospects of the Japanese Model (in Japanese), Nippon Hyoronsha (1997)

"Japan: Bidding Farewell to the Welfare Society" in Alcock, P. & G.Craig (eds.) International Social Policy: Welfare Regimes in the Developed World, Palgrave,pp.58-73 (2001)

Among the Comparison of Welfare State (eds., in Japanese) Minerva (2003)

"Japanese Model of Welfare State: How it was changed throughout 'the lost decade' of the 1990's?" in The Japanese Journal of Social Security Policy(National Institute of Population and Social Security Research), Vol.2, No.2,pp.1-14 (2003)

Workfare: From Exclusion to Inclusion (eds., in Japanese), Horitsubunkasha (2007)

"International Comparative Research on Social Policy" (in Japanese) in Social Policy, No.1, pp.60-69 (2008)

International Trends of Welfare Policy and Japan's Choice: Theory of Post "Three Worlds" (in Japanese), Horitsubunkasha (2011)

