



I. 理論・概念・測定方法 →
II. 子ども
III. 若者
IV. 労働者
V. 高齢者
VI. ジェンダー
VII. エスニシティ
VIII. 医療
IX. 住宅
X. 都市・地域研究

I. 理論・概念・測定方法

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Abrams, D., Christian, J. and Gordon, D. (2007) (Eds.) Multidisciplinary Handbook of Social Exclusion Research, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Alcock, P. (2006, 3rd Ed.) Understanding Poverty, Hampshire: Palgrave

Barnes, M. (2005) Social Exclusion in Great Britain: An Empirical Investigation and Comparison with the EU, Aldershot: Ashgate

Becker, S. (1997) Responding to Poverty: The Politics of Cash and Care, London: Longman

Betti, G. and Lemmi, A. (2013) (Eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion: New Methods of Analysis, London: Routledge

Byrne, D. (2008, 2nd Ed.) Social Exclusion, Milton Keynes: Open University Press

Dorling, D. (2011) Injustice: Why Inequality Persists, Bristol: The Policy Press

Dorling, D. (2012) The No-Nonsense Guide to Equality, Oxford: New Internationalist Publications Ltd

Field, F. (1989) Losing Out: the Emergence of Britain's Underclass, Oxford: Basil Blackwell

Fraser, D. (2009, 4th Ed.) The Evolution of the Welfare State, London: MacMillan

Gordon, D. and Pantazis, C. (1997) Breadline Britain in the 1990s, Aldershot: Ashgate

Gordon, D. and Spicker, P. (1998, 1st Ed.) (Eds.) Poverty: An International Glossary, London: Zed Books

Gordon, D. and Townsend, P. (2001) (Eds.) Breadline Europe: the Measurement of Poverty, Bristol: Policy Press

Gough,J., Eisenschitz, A. and Mcculloch, A. (2006) Spaces of Social Exclusion, Oxon: Routledge

Hills, J., Le Grand, J. and Piachaud, D. (Eds.) (2002) Understanding Social Exclusion, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Hills, J. and Stewart, K. (2005) (Eds.) A More Equal Society? New Labour, Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion, Bristol: The Policy Press

Hills, J., Sefton, T., and Stewart, K. (Eds.) Towards a More Equal Society: Poverty, Inequality and Policy since 1997, Bristol: The Policy Press

Holman, R. (1978) Poverty: Explanations of Social Deprivation, London: M. Robertson

Jones, C. and Novak, T. (1999) Poverty, Welfare, and the Disciplinary State, London: Routledge

Jordan, B. (1996) A Theory of Poverty and Social Exclusion, Cambridge: Polity Press

Levitas, R. (2005) The inclusive society?: Social Exclusion and New Labour, Basingstoke: Palgrave

Lister, R. (2004) Poverty, London: Polity.

Lowe, R. (2005, 3rd Ed.) The Welfare State in Britain since 1945, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Mack, J. and Lansley, S. (1985) Poor Britain, Hemel Hempstead: George Allen & Unwin

Millar, J. (2009, 2nd Ed.) Understanding Social Security: Issues for Policy and Practice, Bristol: The Policy Press

Pantazis, C. and Gordon, D. (2000) (Eds.) Tackling Inequalities: Where are We Now and What Can be Done?, Bristol: The Policy Press

Pantazis, C., Gordon, D., and Levitas, R. (2006) (Eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: The Millennium Survey, Bristol: The Policy Press

Percy-Smith, J. (2000) Policy Responses to Social Exclusion: Towards Inclusion, Milton Keynes: Open University Press

Piachaud, D. (2002) Capital and the Determinants of Poverty and Social Exclusion, London: Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion

Pierson, J. (2009, 2nd Ed.) Tackling Social Exclusion, Oxon: Routledge

Power, A. (2005) "Where Are the Poor? The Changing Patterns of Inequality and the Impact of Attempts to Reduce It" in Giddens, A. and Diamond, P. (eds.) The New Egalitarianism, Oxford: Polity Press, pp. 86-100

Ridge, T. and Wright, S. (2008) (Eds.) Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth, Bristol: The Policy Press

Room, G. (1995) (Eds.) Beyond the Threshold: The Measurement and Analysis of Social Exclusion, Bristol: The Policy Press

Shildrick, T., MacDonald, R. and Webeter, C.S. (2013) Poverty and Insecurity: Life in 'Low-pay, No-pay' Britain, Bristol: The Policy Press

Spicker, P. (2007) The Idea of Poverty, Bristol: The Policy Press

Spicker, P. (2011) How Social Security Works: An Introduction to Benefits in Britain, Bristol: The Policy Press

Townsend, P. (1970) (Eds.) The Concept of Poverty, London: Heinemann

Townsend, P. (1979) Poverty in the United Kingdom, Harmondsworth: Penguin

Van de Bosch, K. (2001) Identifying the Poor: Using Subjective and Consensual Measures, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Walker,A. and Walker, C. (1997) (Eds.) Britain Divided: the Growth of Social Exclusion in the 1980s and 1990s, London: Child Poverty Action Group

Walker, R. (2005) Social Security and Welfare, Milton Keynes: Open University Press

Walker, A. et al (2010) The Peter Townsend Reader, Bristol: The Policy Press

Walker, A., Sinfield, A. and Walker, C. (2011) Fighting Poverty, Inequality and Injustice, Bristol: The Policy Press

Welshman, J. (2007) From Transmitted Deprivation to Social Exclusion: Policy, Poverty and Parenting, Bristol: The Policy Press

Wilkinson, R. and Pickett, K. (2008) The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Always Do Better, London: Allen Lane

Wilkinson, R. and Pickett, K. (2010) The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone, London: Penguin Group

UK Academic Articles

Benn, M. (2000) New Labour and Social Exclusion, Political Quarterly, Vol.71, No.3, pp.309-318

Burchardt, T. (1999) Social Exclusion in Britain 1991—1995, Social Policy & Administration, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 227 – 244

Daly, M. and Silver, H. (2008) 'Social exclusion and social capital: A comparison and critique', Theory and Society, Vol.37, No.6, pp.537-66

Dermott, E. (forthcoming 2012) 'Poverty versus Parenting: an emergent dichotomy' in for special issue of 'Studies in the Maternal' on 'Austerity Parenting' (Publication in Process)

Dorling, D. (2012) Inequality and Injustice: Some News from Britain, Urban Studies, Vol.33, No.5, pp.621-629

Dorling, D. (2012) Inequality Constitutes A Particular Place, Social & Cultural Geography, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-10

Lansley, S. (1980) Changes in Inequality and Poverty in the UK, 1971-1976, Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol.32, No.1, pp.134-150

Levitas, R. A. (1996) The Concept of Social Exclusion and the New 'Durkheimian' Hegemony, Critical Social Policy, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 5-20

Novak, T. (1995) Rethinking Poverty,Critical Social Policy, Vol.15, No. 44-45, pp.58-74

Piachaud. D. (1987) Problems in the Definition and Measurement of Poverty, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 147 -164

Ringen, S. (1988) Direct and Indirect Measures of Poverty, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.17, No.3, pp. 351-365

Sen, A. (1983) Poor, Relatively Speaking, Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol.35, No.2, pp. 153-169

Sen, A. (1985) A Sociological Approach to the Measurement of Poverty: A Reply to Professor Peter Townsend, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 669-676

Silver, H. (1994) Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity: Three Paradigms, International Labour Review, Vol.133, pp.531-578

Townsend, P. (1985) A Sociological Approach to the Measurement of Poverty -A Rejoinder to Professor Amartya Sen, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 659-668

Townsend, P. (1987) Deprivation, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 125-146

Walker, R. (1987) Consensual Approaches to the Definition of Poverty: Towards an Alternative Methodology, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 213-226

UK Government Reports

Levitas, R., Pantazis, C., Fahmy, E., Gordon, D., Lloyd, E., and Patsios, D. (2007) The Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Social Exclusion, Social Exclusion Taskforce, London: Cabinet Office

UK Other Key Reports

Bamfield, L. and Horton, T. (2009) Understanding Attitudes to Tackling Economic Inequality, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Bradshaw, J., Middleton, S., Davis, A., Oldfield, N., Smith, N., Cusworth, L. and Williams, J. (2008) A Minimum Income Standard for Britain: What people think, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Davis, A., Hirsch, D., and Smith, N. (2010) A Minimum Income Standard for the UK in 2010, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Davis, A., Hirsch, D., Smith, N., Beckhelling, J. and Padley, M. (2012) A Minimum Income Standard for the UK in 2012: Keeping up in hard times, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Dorling, D. (2012) The Case for Austerity among The Rich, Discussion Paper on Promoting Growth and Shared Prosperity in the UK, Institute for Public Policy Research, London

Hirsch, D., Davis, A. and Smith, N. (2009) A Minimum Income Standard for Britain in 2009, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Hirsch, D. (2011) A Minimum Income Standard for the UK in 2011, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Gordon, D., Levitas, R.A, Pantazis, C., Payne, S., Patsios, D. and Townsend, P. (2000) Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Lansley, S. (2009) Life in the Middle: The Untold Story of Britain's Average Earners, TUC Touchstone Pamphlet No. 6, London: Trades Union Congress

Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2009) Monitoring Poverty & Social Exclusion, York: JRF/New Policy Institute

Niemietz, K. (2011) A New Understanding of Poverty: Poverty Measurement and Policy Implications, London: Institute of Economic Affairs

Smith, N., Phung, V., Davis, A. and Hirsch, D. (2009) A Minimum Income Standard for Northern Ireland, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Commission for Rural Communities

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Abe, A. (2010) "The Myth of Egalitarian Society: Poverty and Social Exclusion in Japan" in Saunders, P. and Sainsbury, R. (eds.) Social Security, Poverty and Social Exclusion in Rich and Poorer Countries, International Studies on Social Security, Vol.16

Abe, A. (2011) Society, There Is No Place for the Weak: Poverty, Inequality and Social Inclusion, Tokyo: Kodansha Gendai Shinsho (in Japanese); (阿部 彩 [2011]「弱者の居場所がない社会――貧困・格差と社会的包摂」講談社現代新書)

Aoki, O. (2003) (Eds.) "Invisible" Poverty in Contemporary Japan: The Reality of Mother-and-Child Household Welfare, Tokyo: Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (青木 紀編 [2003]「現代日本の『見えない』貧困―生活保護受給母子世代の現実」明石書店)

Aoki, O (2010) (Eds.) View of Poverty in Contemporary Japan: Visualising the "Invisible Poverty", Tokyo: Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (青木 紀編 [2010]「現代日本の貧困観―『見えない貧困』を可視化する」明石書店)

Aoki, O and Sugimura, H. (Eds.) (2007) Contemporary Poverty and Inequality, Tokyo: Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (青木 紀・杉村 宏編 [2007]「現代の貧困と不平等」明石書店)

Chubachi, M. and Taira, K. (1976) "Poverty in Modern Japan: Perceptions and Realities" in Patrick, H. (eds.) Japanese Industralization and Its Social Consequences, California: University of California Press, pp.391-438

Editorial Committee of Social Policy Research (2009) Social Policy Research 9: The Rise of Poverty in Japan and Policy Issues, Toshindo (in Japanese); (社会政策研究編集委員会 [2009]「社会政策研究9 特集:貧困化する日本と政策課題」東信堂)

Eguchi, E. (1979) Contemporary "Low-Income Groups" (Vol. I): Approaches to Research on Poverty, Miraisha (in Japanese); (江口英一 [1979]「現代の『低所得層』〈上〉―『貧困』研究の方法」未来社)

Eguchi, E. (1980) Contemporary "Low-Income Groups" (Vol. II): Approaches to Research on Poverty, Miraisha (in Japanese); (江口英一 [1980]「現代の『低所得層』〈中〉―『貧困』研究の方法」未来社)

Eguchi, E. (1980) Contemporary "Low-Income Groups" (Vol. III): Approaches to Research on Poverty, Miraisha (in Japanese); (江口英一 [1980]「現代の『低所得層』〈下〉―『貧困』研究の方法」未来社)

Eguchi, E. (1981) (Eds.) Social Welfare and Poverty, Horitsubunkasha (in Japanese); (江口英一編 [1981]「社会福祉と貧困」法律文化社)

Eguchi, E. and Kawakami, M. (2009) Quantitative Understanding of Poor Household in Japan, Horitsubunkasha (in Japanese); (江口英一・川上昌子 [2009]「日本における貧困世帯の量的把握」法律文化社)

Estevez-Abe, M. (2008) Welfare and Capitalism in Postwar Japan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Fukuda, Y. (2002) Distribution Structure in Contemporary Japan: Economic Theory of Impoverishment Life, Aoki Shoten (in Japanese); (福田泰雄 [2002]「現代日本の分配構造―生活貧困化の経済理論」青木書店)

Fukuhara, H. (2007) Social Exclusion-Inclusion and Social Policy (Issues and Challenges of New Social Policy Series), Horitsubunkasha (in Japanese); (福原宏幸 [2007]「社会的排除・包摂と社会政策 (シリーズ・新しい社会政策の課題と挑戦)」法律文化社)

Hara, J. and Seiyama, K (2006) Inequality amid Affluence: Social Stratification in Japan, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press

Hashimoto, K. (2003) Class Structure in Contemporary Japan, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press

Ito, Y. (2008) Blair's Reforms in Health and Social Care: Utilisation of Market Functions and Social Exclusion (MINERVA Welfare Library), Minerva (in Japanese); (伊藤善典 [2008]「ブレア政権の医療福祉改革―市場機能の活用と社会的排除への取組み (MINERVA福祉ライブラリー)」ミネルヴァ書房)

Iwata, M. (2004) "New Poverty and Strategies for 'Social Exclusion'" in Uyama, K. and Kobayashi, R. (eds.) Focus of the New Social Welfare, Mitsuokan (in Japanese); (岩田正美 [2004]「新しい貧困と『社会的排除』への施策」(宇山 勝儀・小林 良二編「新しい社会福祉の焦点」光生館))

Iwata, M. (2008) Social Exclusion: Lack of Participation, Uncertain Attribution, Yuhikaku Insight (in Japanese); (岩田正美 [2008]「社会的排除―参加の欠如・不確かな帰属」有斐閣)

Iwata, M. and Nishizawa, A. (2005) (Eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion: What Undermine the Social Welfare, Minerva (in Japanese); (岩田正美・西沢晃彦編 [2005]「貧困と社会的排除―福祉社会を蝕むもの」ミネルヴァ書房)

Iwata, M. and Nishizawa, A. (2008) (Eds.) Poverty and Social Welfare in Japan, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press

Iwata, M., Okabe, T. and Shimizu, K. (2003) (Eds.) Poverty and Social Work: Theory of Public Assistance, Yuhikaku (in Japanese); (岩田正美・岡部 卓・清水浩一編 [2003]「貧困問題とソーシャルワークー公的扶助論」有斐閣)

Kambara, A. (2000) Inequality of Education and Family Issues: In and Out of the Buraku, Kouseisha Kouseikaku (in Japanese); (神原文子 [2000]「教育と家族の不平等問題―被差別部落の内と外」恒星社厚生閣)

Milly, D. (1999) Poverty, Equality and Growth: The Politics of Economic Need in Postwar Japan, Harvard University Asia Center: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Miyamoto, T. (2009) Livelihood Security: Towards A Society without Exclusion, Iwanami Shinsho (in Japanese); (宮本太郎 [2009]「生活保障 排除しない社会へ」岩波新書)

Morita, Y., Shindo, Y., Kambara, F. and Yajima, M. (2009) (Eds.) How to Confront the New Exclusion: Possibilities and Challenges of Social Inclusion, Gakubunsha (in Japanese); (森田洋司・進藤雄三・神原文子・矢島正見編 [2009]「新たなる排除にどう立ち向かうか―ソーシャル・インクルージョンの可能性と課題」学文社)

Ohtake, F. (2005) Inequality in Japan: Fantasy and the Future of Social Disparity, Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha (in Japanese); (大竹文雄 [2005]「日本の不平等:格差社会の幻想と未来」日本経済新聞社)

Shimada, T. (2002) "Poverty and Issues of National Minimum" in Aizawa, Y. (eds.) Social Security Reform, Otsuki Shoten (in Japanese); (島田 務 [2002]「貧困とナショナルミニマムをめぐる問題」(相澤與一編『社会保障構造改革』大月書店))

Shoji, Y., Fujimura, M. and Sugimura, H. (1997) (Eds.) Poverty, Inequality and Social Welfare (The Future Social Welfare), Yuhikaku (in Japanese); (庄司洋子・藤村正之・杉村 宏編 [1997]「貧困・不平等と社会福祉」(これからの社会福祉) 有斐閣)

Society for the Study of Poverty (2008) (Eds.) The Study of Poverty Vol.1, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (貧困研究会編 [2008]「貧困研究」Vol.1 明石書店)

Society for the Study of Poverty (2009) (Eds.) The Study of Poverty Vol.2 & Vol.3, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (貧困研究会編 [2009]「貧困研究」Vol.2,Vol.3 明石書店)

Society for the Study of Poverty (2010) (Eds.) The Study of Poverty Vol.4 & Vol.5, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (貧困研究会編 [2010]「貧困研究」Vol.4,Vol.5 明石書店)

Society for the Study of Poverty (2011) (Eds.) The Study of Poverty Vol.6 & Vol.7, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (貧困研究会編 [2011]「貧困研究」Vol.6,Vol.7 明石書店)

Society for the Study of Poverty (2012) (Eds.) The Study of Poverty Vol.8, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (貧困研究会編 [2012]「貧困研究」Vol.8 明石書店)

Tachibanaki, T. (2006) Unequal Society, What Is the Problem?, Iwanami Shinsho (in Japanese); (橘木俊詔 [2006]「格差社会—何が問題なのか」岩波新書)

Tachibanaki, T. and Urakawa, K. (2006) Poverty Research in Japan, University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese); (橘木俊詔・ 浦川邦夫 [2006]「日本の貧困研究」 東京大学出版会)

Tachibanaki, T. and Yamamori, R. (2009) To Rescue the Poverty, Social Security Reform or Basic Income? , Jinbunshoin (in Japanese); (橘木俊詔・ 山森 亮 [2009]「貧困を救うのは、社会保障改革か、ベーシック・インカムか」 人文書院)

Takekawa, S. (2001) Welfare Society: Concept and Social Policy, Alma Yuhikaku (in Japanese); (武川正吾 [2001]「福祉社会 -- 社会政策とその考え方」有斐閣アルマ)

Takekawa, S. (2011) Welfare Society: Social Inclusion Policy (New Edition), Alma Yuhikaku (in Japanese); (武川正吾 [2011]「福祉社会 -- 包摂の社会政策 新版」有斐閣アルマ)

Tamai, K. (2003) "Development of Social Policy in Japan" in Izuhara, M. (eds.) Comparing Social Policies: Exploring New Perspectives in Britain and Japan, Bristol: the Policy Press, pp.35-48

Tanaka, A. (2007) Effects of Anti-poverty Bias in Aid Allocation: Theory and Empirical Investigation of the Case of Japan, N.Y.: Cornell University

Yamashita, J (2010)'Managing or Generating Social Risks?: Changes in Labour Market and Japanese Welfare Regime' in Raymond, K., Wang, L. and Takahashi, M. (eds.) Risk and Public Policy in Changing Asian Societies, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp.147-161

Yasuda, N. and Tsukamoto, N. (2009) Social Exclusion and the Role of Business: The Nature of Mother-to-Child Household Problem, Doyukan (in Japanese); (安田 尚道・塚本成美 [2009]「社会的排除と企業の役割―母子世帯問題の本質」同友館)

Yoshii, H. (2009) (Eds.) Sociology of Exclusion and Discrimination, Yuhikaku (in Japanese); (好井裕明編 [2009]「排除と差別の社会学」有斐閣)

Yuasa, M. (2008) Anti-Poverty: Escape from Society Slide, Iwanami Shisho (in Japanese); (湯浅 誠 [2008]「反貧困―「すべり台社会」からの脱出」岩波新書)

Japan Academic Articles

Abe. A. (2002) From Poverty to Social Exclusion: the Development of Indicators and Present Situation, International Social Security Research, No.141, pp. 67-80 (in Japanese); (阿部 彩 [2002]「貧困から社会的排除へ:指標の開発と現状」『海外社会保障研究』No.141, 67-80ページ。)

Abe, A. (2003) Low Income People in Social Security Systems in Japan, The Japanese Journal of Social Security Policy, Vol.2, No.2, pp.59-70

Abe. A. (2007) Measuring Social Exclusion in Japan, the Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.43, No.1, pp. 27-40 (in Japanese); (阿部 彩 [2007]「日本における社会的排除の実態とその要因」『季刊社会保障研究』Vol.43, No.1, 27-40ページ。)

Abe, A. (2010) Social Exclusion and Earlier Disadvantages: An Empirical Study of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Japan, Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 5-30

Amano, T. (2010) Position of Cultural Policy in Social Inclusion, The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research, No.625, pp. 23-42 (in Japanese); (天野敏昭 [2010]「社会的包摂における文化政策の位置づけ」『大原社会問題研究所雑誌』No.625, 23-42ページ。)

Aoki, O. (2007) Perceptions of Poverty in Japan: Constructing an Image of Relative Poverty Contrasted against an Image of Extreme Poverty, Journal of Poverty, Vol.11, No.3, pp.5-14

Chiavacci, D. (2008) From Class Struggle to General Middle-Class Society to Divided Society: Societal Models of Inequality in Postwar Japan, Social Science Japan Journal, Vol.11, No.1, pp.5-27

Esping-Andersen, G. (1997) Hybrid or Unique?: the Japanese Welfare State Between Europe and America, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol.7, No.3, pp.179-189

Fukawa, H. (2007) The Public Assistance System and Social Exclusion, Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, Vol.18, No.2, pp.37-46 (in Japanese); (布川日佐史 [2007]「生活保護制度と社会的排除」『日本家族社会学会』Vol.18, No.2, 37-46ページ。)

Higuchi, A. (2012) The Mechanism of Social Exclusion in Modern Society: The Dilemma of Active Labor Market Policy, InternationalJournal of Japanese Sociology

Inabi, M. (2011) Increasing Poverty in Japan: Social Policy and Public Assistance Program, Asian Social Work and Policy Review, Vol.5, No.2, pp.79-91

Iwata, M. (2009) Rediscovery of Poverty and Academic Challenge, Trends in the Sciences, Vol.14, No.8, pp.74-77 (in Japanese); (岩田正美 [2009]「『さまざまな貧困』の申し立てと学術研究」『学術の動向』Vol.14, No.8, 74-77ページ。)

Kawano, E. (2005) The Exclusion and Solidarity in the Risk Society, Social and Economic Systems Studies, No.26, pp.39-51 (in Japanese); (川野英二 [2005]「リスク社会における排除のリスクと連帯」『社会・経済システム』No. 26, 39-51ページ。)

Nakajima, E. (2005) Social Inclusion in EU and UK and Social Economy, Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research, Hosei University, No.561, pp.12-28 (in Japanese); (中島恵理 [2005]「EU、英国における社会的包摂とソーシャルエコノミー」『大原社会問題研究所雑誌』No.561, 12-28ページ。)

Nakamura, K. (2002) Commitment to "Social Exclusion" in the EU, International Social Security Research, No.142, pp.56-66 (in Japanese); (中村健吾 [2002]「EUにおける「社会的排除」への取り組み」『海外社会保障研究』No.142, 56-66ページ。)

Ogasawara, K. (2002) "Social Exclusion" Policy in the UK and Local Social Policy (Cosmopolitanism), International Social Security Research, No.141, pp. 18-27 (in Japanese); (小笠原浩一 [2002]「イギリス『社会的排除』対策と社会政策〈市民主義化〉の現地点」『海外社会保障研究』Vol.141, 18-27ページ。)

Osawa, M. (2010) Introduction: Income Inequality, Social Exclusion and Redistribution, Social Science Japan Journal, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-3

Oshio, T. and Kobayashi M. (2011) Area-level Income Inequality and Individual Happiness: Evidence from Japan, Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol.12, No. 4, 2011, pp.633-649

Oshio, T. and Urakawa, K. (2008) The Trend of Poverty and Redistribution Policies in the First Half of the 2000s, the Quarterly of Social Security Research (Kikan Shakai Hosho Kenkyu) (in Japanese), Vol.44, No.3, pp.278-290; (小塩隆士・浦川邦夫 [2008]「2000年代前半の貧困化傾向と再分配政策」『季刊社会保障研究』Vol.44, No.3, 278-290ページ。)

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Japan Government Reports

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Japan Reports

Jones, R. (2007) Income Inequality, Poverty and Social Spending in Japan, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 556, Paris: OCED

Garon, S. (2002) Japanese Policies toward Poverty and Public Assistance: A Historical Perspective, Washington: World Bank Institute

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Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Anttonen, A., Baldock, J. and Sipila, J. (2003) The Young, The Old, and The State: Social Care Systems in Five Industrial Nations, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Dore, R. (2000) Stock Market Capitalism: Welfare Capitalism: Japan and Germany versus the Anglo-Saxons, Oxford: Oxford University Press

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Izuhara, M. (2005) Comparing Social Policies: Exploring New Perspectives in Britain and Japan, Bristol: The Policy Press

Komine, A. (2011) (Eds.) Poverty and Welfare in the History of Economic Thoughts: "Theory Keiseisaimin" in Modern Japan and UK, Minerva Shobo (in Japanese); (小峯 敦編 [2011]「経済思想のなかの貧困・福祉―近現代の日英における「経世済民」論」ミネルヴァ書房)

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Shirahase, S. (2009) Thinking about Inequality in Japan: A Comparative Study of Ageing Societies, University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese); (白波瀬佐和子 [2009]「日本の不平等を考える:少子高齢社会の国際比較」東京大学出版会)

Suzuki, T. (2011) (Eds.) Exclusion-based Society and Lifelong Learning: Analysis of the Underlying Structure of the UK-Japan-Korea, Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University Press (in Japanese); (鈴木敏正編 [2011]「排除型社会と生涯学習-日英韓の基礎構造分析」(北海道大学大学院教育学研究院研究叢書) 北海道大学出版会)

Wilson, R. and Pickett, K. (2011) The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger, New York: Bloomsbury Press

Yoon, W.Y. and Kondo, R. (2010) International Comparative Study of New Welfare Model in the Era of Various Families: Young People, Single-Parent Families, the Elderly, Gakubunsha (in Japanese); (尹 靖水・ 近藤 理恵 [2010]「多様な家族時代における新しい福祉モデルの国際比較研究―若者、ひとり親家族、高齢者」学文社)

Comparative Academic Articles

Ballas, D., Dorling, D., Nakaya, T., Tunstall, H. and Hanaoka, K. (2012) Social Inequalities in Britain and Japan: Toward a Comparative Study of Two Island Economies/Societies, Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.48, No.1, pp.46-61; (ディミトリス・バラス・ダニー・ドーリング・中谷友樹・ヘレナ・タンストール・花岡和聖 [2012]「英国と日本における社会格差 : 2つの島嶼経済・社会の比較研究に向けて」(特集 日英における貧困・社会的包摂政策 : 成功,失敗と希望)『季刊社会保障研究』Vol.48, No.1, 46-61ページ。)

Beland, D. and Shinkawa, T. (2007) Public and Private Policy Change: Pension Reform in Four Countries, The Policy Studies Journal, Vol.35, No.3, pp.349-371

Boarini, R. and D'Ercole, M. (2006) Measures of Material Deprivation in OECD Countries, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper, No.37, Paris, OECD

Breen, R. and Jonson, J.O. (2005) Inequality of Opportunity in Comparative Perspectives: Recent Research on Educational Attainment and Social Mobility, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol.31, pp.223-243

D'Ercole, M. (2006) Income Inequality and Poverty in OCED Countries: How Does Japan Compare, the Japanese Journal of Social Security Policy, Vol.5. No.1, pp.1-15

Jacob, D. (2000) Low Inequality with Low Redistribution? An Analysis of Income Distribution in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan compared to Britain, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London: LSE

Ohashi, I. (2011) The Minimum Wage System in Japan: In Light of Circumstances in the United States and Europe, Japan Labour Review, Vol.8, No.2, pp.4-23

Olsen, W. and Nomura, H. (2009) Poverty Reduction: Fuzzy Sets vs. Crisp Sets Compared, Sociological Theory and Methods, Vol.24, No.2, pp.219-246

Ota, K. (2006) Income Redistribution in Japan: Its Features in International Comparison, Discussion Paper Series, No.171, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, pp.1-41 (in Japanese); (太田 清 [2006] 「日本の所得再分配--国際比較でみたその特徴」内閣府経済社会総合研究所『ディスカッション・ペーパー・シリーズ』No.171)

Sawada, Y. (1996) Aid and Poverty Alleviation: An International Comparison, IDS Bulletin, Vol.27, No.1

Shibata, F. (2006) Present Situation and Prospect of Social Inclusion Policy: Policies in EU, Germany, Sweden and United Kingdom and Implication for Japanese Policy, The Hokkaido Law Review, Vol.57, No.1, pp.1-41 (in Japanese); (芝田文男 [2006] 「ソーシャル・インクルージョンへの政策的取組みの現状と将来 : EU、スウェーデン、ドイツ、イギリスの取組みと日本の政策への含意」北海道大学大学院法学研究科『北大法学論集』Vol.57, No.1, 1-41ページ)

Spicker, P. (2001) Cross-national Comparison of Poverty: Reconsidering Methods, International Welfare, Vol.10, No.3, pp.153-163

Uzuhashi, T. (1999) International Comparison of Public Assistance System: Japan's Position among the 24 Countries of the OECD, International Social Security Research, No.127, pp.72-93 (in Japanese); (埋橋孝文 [1999]「公的扶助制度の国際比較――OECD24カ国のなか日本の位置」『海外社会保障研究』No.127, 72-93ページ。)

Comparative Reports

OECD (2008) Growing Unequal: Income Distribution and Poverty in OECD Countries, Paris: OECD

OECD (2011) Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising, Paris: OCED

OECD (2011) An Overview of Growing Income Inequalities in OECD Countries: Main Findings, Paris: OCED