(3) Open Seminar:
Tackling Child Poverty: Lessons from the UK and New Frontiers in Japan



Venue: Doshisha University, Kyoto
Time: January 9th, 2012 10:00~17:00

10.00 — Opening Words
Toshiaki Tachibanaki, Doshisha University

10.10 — Session 1: Child Benefits
Jonathan Bradshaw, University of York:
The New Government and Family Related Benefits in the UK

Michihiko Tokoro, Osaka City University:
Policy Responses to Child Poverty and the Limits of Japanese Welfare System: Lessons from Child Benefit Reform

12.00 — Lunch

10.10 — Session 2: Understanding Child Poverty and Social Exclusion
Moderator: Hirotoshi Yano, Mukogawa Women's University

Esther Dermott, University of Bristol:
Promoting Parenting: a UK response to improving outcomes for children

Comment: Aya ABE (IPSS)

Ichiro Matsumoto, Hokkaido University:
Child poverty and 'overlapping disadvantages'

Comment: Christina Pantazis (University of Bristol)

14.45 — Break

10.10 — Session 3 Tackling Child Poverty
Moderator: M.Mensendiek, Doshisha University

Naomi Yuzawa, Rikkyo University:
Child poverty and social work

Comment: Aya ABE (IPSS)

T. Uzuhashi, Doshsiha University:
Enhancing 'Competency of Children in Poverty (in Japanese)
Poverty and Competency of Children (in English)

Comment: David Gordon (University of Bristol)

16.45 — Closing Words

17.15 — Close

T. Uzuhashi

Takafumi Uzuhashi is professor in Department of Social Welfare, Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University, the head of Doshisha Education Research Centre of Social Welfare. He graduated from Faculty of Education, Kyoto University in 1974, accomplished his doctoral program in Economics at Graduate School, Kwansei Gakuin University in 1983. His research fields cover social policy, social security and comparative studies of welfare states. His recent research themes include: examining the problems of current social security system in Japan and its future directions, highlighting the paradigm of Japan's social security system by international comparison of welfare states, and exploring the possibility of international cooperation by similar international comparison of social security among East and Southeast Asian countries. He was awarded the Academy Award by Murao Educational Foundation in 1984 for The Historical Development of Harbour Labour-Management Relations: Port of London and Port of Kobe, and the Japan Labour Pen Club Award in 1998 for his book An International Comparison of Modern Welfare State: Position and Prospects of the Japanese Model (Nippon Hyoronsha).

Selected Recent Publications

An International Comparison of Modern Welfare State: Position and Prospects of the Japanese Model (in Japanese), Nippon Hyoronsha (1997)

"Japan: Bidding Farewell to the Welfare Society" in Alcock, P. & G.Craig (eds.) International Social Policy: Welfare Regimes in the Developed World, Palgrave,pp.58-73 (2001)

Among the Comparison of Welfare State (eds., in Japanese) Minerva (2003)

"Japanese Model of Welfare State: How it was changed throughout 'the lost decade' of the 1990's?" in The Japanese Journal of Social Security Policy(National Institute of Population and Social Security Research), Vol.2, No.2,pp.1-14 (2003)

Workfare: From Exclusion to Inclusion (eds., in Japanese), Horitsubunkasha (2007)

"International Comparative Research on Social Policy" (in Japanese) in Social Policy, No.1, pp.60-69 (2008)

International Trends of Welfare Policy and Japan's Choice: Theory of Post "Three Worlds" (in Japanese), Horitsubunkasha (2011)

