Economic Evaluation Modelling Using R

The R statistical software provides an efficient, flexible, transparent, and extensible tool for building models for economic evaluation in healthcare. It is an increasingly popular alternative to less efficient, generalisable and powerful software such as spreadsheets. The tutors of this course have been at the forefront of developing R models and tools for economic evaluation.

Dates 14, 16 & 21 July 2025
Fee £660
Format Online
Audience Open to all applicants (prerequisites apply)

Image of white lines running across a red background Course profile

This course aims to teach the use of R for building decision trees, Markov, and semi-Markov models for economic evaluation and value of information analysis.

Please click on the sections below for more information. 

This course was excellently done. Fast pace. Following the code was done well. Very well organised.

Course feedback, July 2024

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