R and RStudio Desktop installation instructions and creating a free Posit Cloud account
Downloading R is quick and easy. Please do so before the start of the course (if applicable) by following the instructions below. Please note that R is regularly updated, make sure to select the most recent version.
R installation
Downloading R
- Go to https://www.r-project.org/ and click “Download R”.
- Choose your nearest CRAN mirror (such as http://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/).
- Choose “Download R for [Windows/Mac/Linux]”.
- Choose “base” for Windows and click on “Download R 4.3.2 for Windows”. (Version number will change.)
- For macOS your choice depends upon whether you have an Intel or Apple Silicon (aka M-series) processor. If you have an Intel processor choose “R-4.3.2-x86_64.pkg”, and if you have an Apple Silicon (M-series) processor choose “R-4.3.2-arm64.pkg (Version number will change.)
- Once the .exe (Windows) or .pkg (Mac) have downloaded, run and install.
Note: On an M-series Mac you can install both the Intel and arm version of R and switch between them using the RSwitch utility https://rud.is/rswitch/ or the rig application https://github.com/r-lib/rig#readme .
Opening R
RStudio Desktop Installation
RStudio Desktop is an IDE for R.
Downloading RStudio Desktop
- Go to https://posit.co/downloads/
- Select “Download Rstudio” then “Download Rstudio Desktop for #”.
- Once the installer has downloaded Run and Install. (Bear in mind that Rstudio Desktop requires R to be installed beforehand).
Opening RStudio Desktop
- To open Rstudio Desktop on Windows, click the Start button and follow the path: Start -> All Programs -> Rstudio -> Rstudio
- Rstudio Desktop will automatically detect and work with your installation of R.
Creating a free Posit Cloud account
Posit Cloud provides R and RStudio running in a browser window on a Posit Cloud server.
To use the Posit Cloud projects provided by our short courses please create a free Posit Cloud account by going to https://login.posit.cloud/register , then click “Sign Up” and during that process select the Free account. You can choose whichever email address you prefer to make your Posit Cloud account with (i.e. this doesn’t have to be the same email address that you signed up to the short course with).
Further Instructions
Follow this link to Datacamp for further helpful instructions for installing R.
Help & support
If you are having trouble please contact us.