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Laura Monk awarded Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship

18 September 2024

We are delighted to announce that Laura Monk has been awarded a Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship by the Royal Society.

This 8-year grant, called "Fine-scale spectral statistics of random hyperbolic surfaces", brings forward over £1.4m and will start in October 2024.

The Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship scheme offers a recognised first step into an independent research career for outstanding post-doctoral scientists who require a flexible working pattern. The long-term goal of Laura's proposal is to use her expertise in random hyperbolic geometry to try and tackle long-standing conjectures in quantum chaos. The project will combine many of the key research areas of our School, namely geometry, analysis, mathematical physics and probabilities, and revisit historical breakthroughs in quantum chaos that happened in Bristol.

Huge congratulations to Laura on this wonderful achievement!

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