This two-day event aimed to encourage women and non-binary people to consider continuing their studies to PhD level.
The event featured talks from mathematicians working both in universities and industry, giving insight into their current roles and their careers to date.
As well as this it also offered ample time for discussion with other participants who are facing the same decisions, and with current PhD students who have recently faced the same questions.
The Tuesday afternoon kicked off with a talk from keynote speaker Professor Marika Taylor from University of Southampton, followed by a dinner, where participants were able to enjoy discussion and networking in a relaxed environment.
Wednesday morning offered an insight into the life of a PhD student, with talks and Q&A sessions with current post-grad students. The final portion of the event was open to all students and more broadly explored the nature of PhD research, the work environment, the application process, and career options. Talks were given by industry speaker, Kathryn Leeming from British Geological Survey and the University of Bristol's Dr Asma Hassannezhad.