Using Mendeley
Mendeley is a freely available reference manager and academic social network. On this page you can find guidance to both the desktop and online versions.
What is Mendeley?
Mendeley is a 'freemium' reference manager and academic social network with web-based, desktop and mobile versions. You can quickly cite references and create bibliographies in Word using the Mendeley word processor plug-in.
With a free account you get 2GB of web space and can create one private group with up to three users. If you need more space or groups you can opt to upgrade to the premium plan.
Why use Mendeley rather than EndNote?
EndNote is fully supported and free to staff and students at the University of Bristol. The versions we subscribe to grant additional functionality that should meet most needs. As such, we recommend the use of EndNote.
However, if you do wish to use different software consider the following: will it provide enough storage space or groups? If not, are you willing to pay for more? And is it compatible with the computers and word processors you use?
Finally, remember that references can be moved between Mendeley and EndNote, so it's not a problem if you change your mind.
Mendeley quick guide
New to Mendeley? Work through this guide to get started and become familiar with its core features.
Signing up
The following links and information will allow you to sign up for the online version of Mendeley, as well as downloading additional apps and plug-ins:
- Registration / log-in page
- Download Mendeley Reference Manager desktop version
- Upgrading to premium plan
- Install Mendeley Cite for Word: open Word > Click File > Select "Get Add-ins" > Search for Mendeley Cite
- Install Mendeley Web Importer (available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge)
Self help
Below you can find links to online support:
Training sessions
While the majority of our training sessions are for EndNote, we do hold occasional Mendeley sessions to assist those students and members of staff who use it.
Please check our list of bookable workshops.
Subject Librarians
For further help with Mendeley please contact your Subject Librarian, who you can find listed by subject here.
Mendeley video tutorial
For a thorough introduction to Mendeley's features try this in-depth video guide.