Personal and unmanaged Apple Mac computers

This guide applies to University staff and postgraduate research students only.


Using a personal or unmanaged Apple Mac computer

The University has introduced compliance checking for personally owned Apple Mac computers of main staff and PGRs when accessing University services. If staff and PGRs wish to use their personal Apple Mac computer to access University services, they can enrol their personal device into University management.

This also affects third-party Apple Mac devices and University-managed Apple Mac computers that are not compatible with the latest management system.

It does not impact iPhones or iPads, only laptops and desktops running macOS.  

Please note this does not affect honorary or associate staff, or taught students

Why have we made this change?

This change was necessary to allow us to retain Cyber Essentials certification, which the University relies on for commercial and research funding and income. Enrolling a device allows us to check that the device is compatible and is running a secure version of macOS, which includes the current and previous two versions. As of March 2024, supported versions of macOS are: macOS 12 Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura, and macOS 14 Sonoma. It is expected that Monterey will stop being supported later in the year. 

What services will be unavailable unless a device is enrolled?

Restricted University services include Microsoft 365 applications and services behind Single Sign On. However, we strongly recommend staff and postgraduate research students use their university-provided and managed devices to access any University services or data.

Support for staff and PGRs

  • If you have concerns about this change and have a critical business need for an additional computer, then please speak to your School or Division.
  • If you are a staff member, and your role allows you to have a device, or you are a PGR student who does not have a computer provided by the University, you can request one from IT Services
  • For those with a University Apple Mac computer that is not managed, please contact IT Services.

Enrol your personal Mac

  1. Raise a "personal Mac access" Service Request on the IT self-service site. As part of this request, you will need to agree the terms and conditions for using and confirm which operating system your Mac is on. If you cannot access the IT self-service site, please contact IT Services by phoning 0117 428 2100.
  2. Receive enrolment email. You will receive an email informing you that you are now able to enrol your Mac. You will need to register within a defined timeslot. If you miss your enrolment window, you will need to raise a new Service Request.
  3. Enrol your device by following the steps below.

Important notes

You will not be able to enrol your personal Mac computer until you have submitted the form and received the enrolment email

  • If your device is not on a supported version of its operating system, you will not be able to access University services. As of March 2024, supported versions of macOS are: macOS 12 Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura, and macOS 14 Sonoma. It is expected that Monterey will stop being supported later in the year.
  • We recommend you back up your personal data on your personal devices using tools such as TimeMachine, and enable remote wipe in iCloud in case your device is lost or stolen.
  • Throughout this process it is likely the operating system will prompt you to enter your username and password. Please enter the username and password for your device, and not your University of Bristol username and password, except when prompted at step 2 below.

1. In a web browser, visit Download and then install Company Portal.

2. Open Company Portal and sign in using your University of Bristol credentials.

 Screengrab showing Company Portal sign-in screen

3. Select begin.

Screen showing set up process:

4. Review privacy information carefully and select continue.

Note: The University will only be able to see University of Bristol managed apps we have provided. The University will not be able to see apps you have installed for personal use.

Screen showing

5. Select download profile.

Screen showing

6. Your system settings will open. Double click on the new management profile. You will be asked "Are you sure you want to install this profile?", click install. 

Screen showing profiles with

Screen of Management Profile, saying  

7.  When this has installed, go back to Company Portal and wait for the device setup to complete. If your device meets the required compliance standards, you will be able to access University services.

Screen showing


Personal Apple Mac computers

Information for taught students

University managed Mac computers

Shared University Apple Mac computers


Data protection and privacy

Registering your device to access your University account through the M365 native apps does not give the University any access to your personal data. 

 Your organisation can't see:

  • Calling and web browsing history
  • Email and text messages
  • Contacts
  • Calendar
  • Passwords
  • Pictures, including what's in the photos app or camera roll
  • Files.

 Your organisation can always see:

  • Device owner
  • Device name
  • Device serial number
  • Device model,
  • Device manufacturer
  • Operating system and version
  • Device IMEI
  • App inventory and app names, such as Microsoft Word
    • On personal devices, your organization can only see your managed app inventory, which includes work and school apps.
    • On corporate-owned devices, your organization can see all apps installed on the device.
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