Guidance for new staff, PGRs and line managers
See the IT induction for new staff, PGRs and line managers presentation
IT account registration
Once a new staff or PGR member is registered in the staff database, MyERP, an IT account with email address is automatically generated. It can take up to 48 hours for all University systems to be accessible. You will need your University username and password to access the majority of services, including our internal staff and student IT Services site. Details of how you can find your username and set your password can be found below.
The University username format is ab12345, made up of:
- Two alpha characters
- Two digits for the year in which the account is created
- Three numerical digits
On your first day, your line manager or the relevant contact in your department should provide you with your staff username. You can find your username in the Contact Directory, the first part of your email address (before the @) is your University username.
Please note: When signing into Outlook email or other Microsoft 365 services you should submit your username with the '' included eg.
Once you have your username you can use the online Password Reset tool to choose your password. Please note that the password reset tool relies on the staff database having a record of your personal email to verify your identity. If those details are not included you will need to update your details in MyERP.
To access most online services you will need to use your University username and password.
You can change your password (UoB only) at any time. If you forget your password, you can reset it online using the Password Reset tool.
Single Sign On service
You will use your University username and password to access most services, many of which use Microsoft authentication and the associated multi-factor authentication process.
Access via personal devices
You can also access Microsoft services through a range of mobile applications on personal devices. Access to University data is managed to ensure devices meet security requirements. For details, please see the instructions for Apple (iOS) devices and for Android devices. A similar process is applied to personal Windows computers when signing into University services using Microsoft Authentication.
About IT Services
IT Services provides support to staff and students via the IT Service Desk who review requests and either respond or assign to teams.
We also have Faculty IT support teams available to help and IT Business Partners (UoB only pages).
In addition, IT Services supports the activity of the University through the management of a robust infrastructure and systems development. We also support teaching and research through the Advanced Computing Research Centre and Research IT and Specialist Computing team.