Temporary Work - Government Authorised Exchange visa & Visitor Visa (including ETA)
Temporary Work – Government Authorised Exchange visa is a route for overseas nationals requiring permission to work in the UK. The purpose is to carry out research temporarily at a UK HE institution as a sponsored researcher; either still receiving monies or funded by their home organisation or the UK host. A temporary worker (GAE) holder cannot be self-funded or rely on savings for the duration of their stay. They must instead receive funding from their employer overseas, or from an external funding body, to cover their living costs in the UK for the whole duration of the visit.
The visa holder must receive funding which exceeds the hourly minimum wage in the UK unless they are on the Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus+ or Comenius European Union (EU) Programmes.
This route also includes a number of other specific categories of temporary worker, including the Youth Mobility Scheme for young people from certain countries to come and experience life and work in the UK.
Please see TW GAE (PDF, 163kB) for the full internal process including monitoring duties that must be adhered too.
The earliest a Temporary Worker (GAE) visa holder can apply for their visa is 3 months before the date they are due to commence their research. A decision is usually made within 3 weeks of applying from outside of the UK.
Further Information
The University are licensed to offer a ‘finite’ number of Temporary Work - Government Authorised Exchange Certificate of Sponsorships each year so careful consideration needs to be given as to whether this is the correct route. It is now possible for holders of this visa to switch to the skilled worker visa in-country.
Should Faculties/Departments/Schools wish to host an individual they believe to be a sponsored researcher they will need to contact the Staff Immigration Team at the earliest opportunity to establish whether a Temporary Work - Government Authorised Exchange visa is the correct route.
Visitor Visa and ATAS
If you are coming from outside the UK it is your responsibility to check whether you require a visa for the purpose of your visit and, where applicable, an ATAS certificate before commencing at the University.
You must present this visa documentation to your University Sponsor (hosting Department) on or before your first day where they will keep a record of this. It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with any relevant UK visas, immigration and ATAS requirements throughout your engagement with the University whilst you are in the UK. You will be required to provide your hosting Department of evidence of your compliance before commencement and if circumstances change.
The earliest you can apply for a standard visitor visa (should you need to) is 3 months before you travel. Once you have applied online, proved your identity and provided your documents, you'll usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks.
Further Information
More detailed information on honorary and visiting academic status at the University are available on the HR webpages.
Information for visiting students can be found on the Student Visa Services pages.
If an ATAS certificate is required (TW GAE visa and visitors)
ATAS is a UK government scheme which provides a vetting service for students and researchers from certian countries, including visitors. The aim is to prevent technology research/knowledge from being used to support miltary programmes 'of significant concern' overseas. Full details of the scheme are available.
If you are a Researcher coming to the UK as a visitor, you may need to obtain an ATAS certificate before beginning any relevant research activity in the UK. However, you do not need to do so before you apply for a UK visa (where relevant).
It can take between 10 and 15 days to obtain an ATAS certiicate and you should therefore submit your ATAS application as soon as possible as if you have not provided your ATAS certificate you will not be permitted on-site to carry out the research in a visiting capacity.
Further Information
Faculties/Departments/Schools will need to ensure they have established if a visiting academic will require an ATAS certificate before permitting the engagement to commence.
Complete the ATAS checker to determine if an ATAS certificate is required. The HECoS mapping tool (Office document, 100kB) may be helpful if you are not familiar with CAH codes (the mapping tool links HECoS codes to the correct CAH code) along with the ATAS guide (PDF, 434kB)
The ATAS certificate requirement - decision tree (PDF, 458kB) details the nationalities, SOC codes and CAH codes that apply to ATAS.
**It can be difficult to determine what type of visa is required between Student, temporary worker and visitor visa. Student, temporary worker or visitor visa? (PDF, 202kB) guidance is available to help select the correct visa route.**
An ETA is an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) is a new requirement for people who do not need a visa to come to the UK. It gives you permission to travel to the UK, and is electronically linked to your passport.
This is new legislation and details can be found on the Government website.
Further Information
Please contact the Staff Immigration Team if you have any queries in relation to the ETA.
Last updated 30/04/2024