Chair selection process

Preliminary Meeting/ discussions

If a preliminary meeting is required it will be chaired by the Dean and the Panel Chair (eg the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Pro Vice-Chancellor) will not be in attendance.



Identify Selection panel members Lead Recruiter (LR)


Identify timetable for closing date, long-list meeting, short-list meeting, interviews and any other assessment methods to be included

LR with advice from HR Employee Services Hub team (Hub)

Identify suitable advertising methods

LR with advice from Hub

Confirm interview date(s) and panel availability

LR/School with advice from Hub

Draft further particulars

Draft advertisement text including suggestions of where to place it

Identify up to eight potential external assessors

LR with assistance from Hub if required 

LR with assistance from Hub if required 


LR with assistance from Hub if required 

Book refreshments for interviews if required School


Book room for interview



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Action prior to selection process



Amendments to further particulars

LR to forward to Hub

Advertising (once post uploaded to eRecruit by Employee Services Hub)

(Closing date will be at least three weeks from date of last advertisement)


LR to circulate details of post via academic/ specialist networks

Contacting External Assessors and managing responses


Processing applications and circulating to LR/panel

Hub to forward to LR/panel after closing date

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Long-listing Meeting (if required)



Produce a long-list of applicants who potentially meet the criteria 

LR to arrange for at least 3 members of selection panel to carry out long-listing

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The short-listing meeting is chaired by the Dean and the DVC/PVC is not in attendance.



Produce a short-list of candidates to interview. If a meeting is held, it will be chaired by the Dean and the DVC/PVC is not in attendance. Selection panel/LR. 

Completion of short-listing notes

To be completed by each member of selection panel and returned to LR

Arrangements for interviews and presentations

Appointment Committee to discuss and agree and LR to co-ordinate with Hub

Contact unsuccessful applicants Hub

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Final Selection Process

Interviews are to be chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or the nominated Pro Vice-Chancellor.  Candidates should also give a presentation/lecture to the School.



Schedule the interview timetable and other elements to be included in the process Hub in liaison with LR (some arrangements will be made locally via the LR/School)
Invite selected candidates to interview and confirm details of presentation and other components of the final selection process Hub
Take up references for short-listed candidates Hub
Arrange any accommodation/ car parking required by candidates and deal with any other candidate queries Hub
Make arrangements for presentations and any lunch/ dinner that will form part of the process LR and School
Plan and prepare structure of the interviews/ areas of questioning LR and selection panel with advice from Hub

Circulate timetable, CVs, references and external assessors reports to selection panel

Hub to circulate one week prior to interview

Reception of candidates prior to interview and presentation

LR to nominate and brief, with assistance from Hub if required

Interview candidates and conduct presentations and other elements included in the selection process Selection panel and any supplementary panel members taking part in other elements of the selection process
Decide on candidate who best meets the selection criteria based on the interview, presentation, external assessors reports, reference and evidence from any other elements included in the selection process Selection panel

Completion of interview notes

Each panel member to complete Candidate Interview Assessment and LR or panel chair to complete Interview Panel Report form (to be forwarded to the Hub)

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Notification of outcome to interview candidates

Dean to inform successful candidate as soon as a decision has been reached, opening negotiations on start date, salary and conditions

Dean to inform unsuccessful candidates as soon as possible after interviews have taken place and inform the RA once this has been done 


Issue formal offer of employment

Human Resources issue formal letter and employment contract to successful candidate

Obtain pre-employment health assessment Human Resources
Check entitlement to work in the UK Human Resources
Obtain a certificate of sponsorship (if required for a migrant worker) Human Resources
Liaise with the appointee over relocation package (if required) Dean/LR/Human Resources
Inform external assessors of the appointment Hub
Plan and carry out the induction Recruiting School

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