Introduction - What is Performance Enhancement

The University is an excellent institution, comprising thousands of people who are performing to a high level, nonetheless ‘Performance Enhancement’ has to be on our agenda if we wish to maintain and improve our national and global position.

Performance Enhancement (PE) is all about ensuring that all of our people achieve their full potential; it is about empowering and enabling people to move from ‘good’ to ‘great’ and beyond, and in doing so help move the organisation onwards and upwards, even in challenging times.  It is about helping to ensure staff wellbeing, engagement and motivation by being clear about what is expected of individuals and providing high quality feedback. 

In the current uncertain environment we have identified the strategic need to be ‘agile’, i.e. to be able to mobilise our staff to meet emerging opportunities and challenges as they arise, whilst also keeping our eye on the longer term objectives.   In this context, ensuring people are clear about expectations, and providing support to enable individuals to perform to a high level, will be critical.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a leader or manager is seeing your people and your team succeed – it is therefore well worth investing time and effort in managing and empowering your staff effectively.   Effective performance enhancement is a crucial and fundamental part of any leader’s or manager’s role, recognised in the University’s Leadership Attributes and also within the Professional Behaviours Model.  

As a member of staff being effectively managed means being clear about your objectives and the outcomes expected.  It is about understanding how you are perceived, where your strengths lie and where there are areas you might develop further.  It is about being clear about how and whether you might develop your career within the organisation or elsewhere. 

And we shouldn't forget that every leader or manager in the organisation should themselves benefit from effective performance enhancement!

Performance enhancement is something that should start even before an individual takes up a role here and should continue throughout their time with us.   It is not just about ‘managing poor performance’, although we do provide some hints and tips on how to deal with those very rare, but very difficult occasions where managers have to work with individuals to try to turn things around.

Performance enhancement should be an ongoing, continuous process that is not only seen as constructive but is in fact expected of leaders and managers by staff. 

This website brings together information and tips, of relevance to leaders, managers, and staff, on the processes and tools that are available to help us collectively enhance our performance. 

The Performance Enhancement Tools Diagram (PDF, 12kB) provides links to the relevant procedures/process.

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