
Students who are potentially eligible to graduate, according to information on your student record, are invited to register your intentions for graduation at the appropriate congregation.  You must then meet the following eligibility criteria, in order to actually be able to graduate:

  • your award must be confirmed at an exam board and showing in eVision by the relevant deadline for your congregation (as below when confirmed)
  • you must pay any outstanding tuition fees in full by the relevant deadline for your congregation (as below when confirmed)

When you receive your invitation email you must register for graduation by the registration deadline, even if you do not know your result at that point. 

If you register but then do not meet the eligibility criteria you will automatically be invited to register again for the applicable future congregation, according to the progression of your studies and potential award date - see below for how to check your award and tuition fee status.

For eligibility to graduate in July 2025:

  • your degree or postgraduate certificate or diploma must be awarded at an exam board and showing in eVision by Thursday 19 June 2025 inclusive 
  • you must pay any outstanding tuition fees by the applicable deadline (to be confirmed).

These eligibility criteria apply to all undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Postgraduate research students should also find out about the examination process for research degrees.

Masters intercalators  If you are intercalating an undergraduate degree with a masters degree you should not graduate with the masters before your undergraduate degree is completed, as it may affect funding.  If you have received an invitation to register for graduation with an intercalated masters degree before your undergraduate graduation is due, please contact graduation-office@bristol.ac.uk.

If you do not meet eligibility criteria

If you register but do not end up meeting the eligibility criteria, your place will be cancelled and you will automatically go forward to be invited to the next applicable congregation.

Check your award status

When your award has been confirmed at an exam board you will receive an email from the Examinations Office to tell you your results are available in eVision.

If you have not yet been awarded:

  • Undergraduate and taught postgraduate students - contact your school or faculty to find out when this is due to be considered at an exam board
  • Postgraduate research students - contact pgr-exams@bristol.ac.uk for information about your potential award date.

Note:  the Graduation Office does not receive information about students' eligibility on an individual on-going basis.  We therefore may not be able to answer enquiries to confirm your eligibility until we have received all necessary information and completed our final checks for the congregation after the award confirmation deadline.  We then email all students to confirm if you are eligible to graduate or not, about a week before your ceremony.

Check your tuition fees status

You can check if you have any outstanding tuition fees and make a payment by visiting your financial statement.  

If you are a sponsored student with a third party paying your fees on your behalf, you will not be able to view any outstanding balances via your financial statement and will need to contact the Credit Control team at finance-creditcontrol@bristol.ac.uk to confirm if any balance is outstanding.

Please ensure that payment is made before the required deadline for your congregation.

The date when fees must be paid in full for eligibility to graduate in July 2025 graduation will be confirmed as soon as possible.

Postgraduate research students

The eligibility criteria apply to all postgraduate research students.

There are additional deadlines for examiners to submit their report to the Postgraduate Exams Office, so that your degree can be considered at an appropriate Research Degrees Exam Board. 

If you have any questions about the exam board, the process of examination or required paperwork, you should visit the PGR assessments and exams webpage or contact the Postgraduate Research Exams team at pgr-exams@bristol.ac.uk.

Minor corrections

If your degree is awarded at a Research Degrees Examination Board, including if you have been awarded with minor errors, you are still eligible to attend your graduation (provided you have no outstanding tuition fees).  However you may not get your certificate at your graduation ceremony. 

Your degree certificate will only be available once you meet the requirements. Find out when you will get your degree certificate.

See Graduation information for PGR students for further general information.

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