Visa support

If you are an international student, you may need to apply for a Standard Visitor visa to attend your graduation. Find out more about visa requirements.

Visa support letter

The Graduation Office can provide you with a visa support letter to support your visa application if you need one.  This is available on request, once you have received your invitation email and registered to attend your ceremony.

The letter invites you to attend your graduation ceremony, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, and includes the date of your ceremony. We are unable to specify your guests' names in the letter, but it states that you will be guaranteed up to two guest tickets for the ceremony. 

How to get a support letter

To request a visa support letter, email and give the following information:

  • your name
  • student number
  • postal address (although we will send the letter to you by email)
    • this should be your full postal address, not just your post code or email address.

We will only be able to provide you with a letter after you have completed registration

If you have any further visa queries please contact the University's student visa advisers at

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