January 2025 all graduation ceremony dates
For graduands eligible to graduate in January 2025 only
Tuesday 21 January at 10:30 am
Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School for Policy Studies and the Law School. Including but not limited to:
- Law, LLB
- Law and Spanish, LLB
- Childhood Studies, BSc
- Criminology, BSc
- International Social and Public Policy, BSc
- Social Policy, BSc
- Social Policy and Sociology, BSc
- Social Policy with Quantitative Research Methods, BSc
- Disability Studies, PG Cert
- Law, PG Cert
- Social Welfare, PG Cert
- Social Work, PG Cert
- International Law, PG Dip
- Policy Research, PG Dip
- Social Welfare Studies, PG Dip
- Law, MA
- Banking and Finance Law, LLM
- Commercial Law, LLM
- Company Law and Corporate Governance, LLM
- Employment, Work and Equality, LLM
- General Legal Studies, LLM
- Health, Law and Society, LLM
- Human Rights Law, LLM
- International Commercial Law, LLM
- International Law, LLM
- International Law and International Relations, LLM
- Labour Law and Corporate Governance, LLM
- Law and Globalisation, LLM
- Law – Environment, Sustainability and Business, LLM
- Law, Innovation and Technology, LLM
- Public Law, LLM
- Sustainable Futures, MRes
- Advanced Social Work with Children and Families, MSc
- Disability Studies: Inclusive Theory and Research, MSc
- Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health, MSc
- Policy Research, MSc
- Public Policy, MSc
- Social Work, MSc
- Social Work Research, MSc
- Socio-Legal Studies, MSc
- Educational Psychology, DEdPsy
- Disability Studies, PhD
- Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences, PhD
- Law, PhD
- Social Policy, PhD
Tuesday 21 January at 1:30 pm
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Anatomy, the Dental School, the Medical School, the Veterinary School and the School of Psychological Science. Including but not limited to:
- Dental Surgery, BDS
- Applied Anatomy, BSc
- Child Health Research, BSc
- Clinical Sciences, BSc
- Functional and Clinical Anatomy, BSc
- Global Health, BSc
- Psychology, BSc
- Science of Medicine, BSc
- Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour, BSc
- Medicine, MBChB
- Veterinary Science, BVSc
- Clinical Neuropsychology Practice, PG Cert
- Clinical Oral Surgery, PG Cert
- Clinical Perfusion Science, PG Cert
- Molecular Neuroscience, PG Cert
- Perfusion Science, PG Cert
- Public Health, PG Cert
- Reproduction and Development, PG Cert
- Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals, PG Cert
- Applied Neuropsychology, PG Dip
- Clinical Neuropsychology, PG Dip
- Dental Implantology, PG Dip
- Medical Statistics and Health Data Science, PG Dip
- Public Health, PG Dip
- Reproduction and Development, PG Dip
- Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals, PG Dip
- Theoretical and Practical Clinical Neuropsychology, PG Dip
- Health Sciences Research, MRes
- Health Sciences Research (Translational Cardiovascular Medicine), MRes
- Applied Neuropsychology, MSc
- Clinical Neuropsychology, MSc
- Clinical Perfusion Science, MSc
- Dental Implantology, MSc
- Epidemiology, MSc
- Global Wildlife Health and Conservation, MSc
- Healthcare Management, MSc
- Health Economics and Health Policy Analysis, MSc
- Medical Statistics and Health Data Science, MSc
- Molecular Neuroscience, MSc
- Oral Medicine, MSc
- Orthopaedic Research Methods and Evidence Based Medicine, MSc
- Public Health, MSc
- Reproduction and Development, MSc
- Research Methods in Psychology, MSc
- Stem Cells and Regeneration, MSc
- Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals, MSc
- Translational Cardiovascular Medicine, MSc
- Population Health Sciences, MSc (Research)
- Translational Health Sciences, MSc (Research)
- Orthodontics, DDS
- Translational Health Sciences, MD
- Clinical Veterinary Science, PhD
- Oral and Dental Science, PhD
- Population Health Sciences PhD
- Population Health Sciences (Cape Town), PhD
- Psychology, PhD
- Translational Health Sciences, PhD
Tuesday 21 January at 4 pm
Faculty of Science and Engineering
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology, the School of Mathematics and the School of Physics. Including but not limited to:
- Engineering Mathematics, BEng
- Engineering Mathematics with a year in Industry, BEng
- Data Science, BSc
- Mathematics, BSc
- Mathematics with Statistics, BSc
- Mathematics with Statistics for Finance, BSc
- Physics, BSc
- Physics and Philosophy, BSc
- Physics with Astrophysics, BSc
- Engineering Mathematics, MEng
- Engineering Mathematics with a year in Industry, MEng
- Engineering Mathematics with Study Abroad, MEng
- Physics with International Experience, MSci
- Mathematics and Physics, MSci
- Physics and Philosophy, MSci
- Nuclear Science and Engineering, PG Cert
- Robotics, PG Cert
- Robotics, PG Dip
- Aerial Robotics, MSc
- Biomedical Engineering, MSc
- Biorobotics, MSc
- Data Science, MSc
- Digital Health, MSc
- Engineering Mathematics, MSc
- Financial Technology with Data Science, MSc
- Mathematical Sciences, MSc
- Nuclear Science and Engineering, MSc
- Robotics, MSc
- Mathematics, MSc (Research)
- Functional Nanomaterials, PhD (in the School of Physics)
- Mathematics, PhD
- Physics, PhD
- Quantum Engineering, PhD (in the School of Physics)
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems, PhD
Wednesday 22 January at 10:30 am
Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences
All degrees postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Management – Business School, except BSc Marketing, MSc Management (Marketing), MSc Marketing, MSc Marketing (Digital) and MSc Marketing (Strategy and Business Development). Including but not limited to:
- Economics and Management, BSc
- International Business Management, BSc
- Management, BSc
- Strategy, Change and Leadership, PG Cert
- Strategy, Change and Leadership, PG Dip
- Business Analytics, MSc
- Human Resource Management and the Future of Work, MSc
- Global Operations and Supply Chain Management, MSc
- International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges, MSc
- Management, MSc
- Management (Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability), MSc
- Management (Digitalisation and Big Data), MSc
- Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation), MSc
- Management (International Business), MSc
- Management (International Human Resource Management), MSc
- Management (Project Management), MSc
- Social Science Research Methods (Management), MSc
- Strategy, Change and Leadership, MSc
- Management, PhD
- Sustainable Futures, PhD
Wednesday 22 January at 1:30 pm
Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences
The following awards in the School of Management – Business School, and all degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Geographical Sciences in the Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences. Including but not limited to:
- Marketing, BSc
- Marketing (Digital), PG Cert
- Advanced Quantitative Methods, MRes (in the School of Geographical Sciences)
- Human Geography: Society and Space, MSc
- Management (Marketing) MSc
- Marketing, MSc
- Marketing (Digital), MSc
- Marketing (Strategy and Business Development), MSc
- Advanced Quantitative Methods, PhD (in the School of Geographical Sciences)
Faculty of Science and Engineering
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering, and all degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Geographical Sciences in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Including but not limited to:
- Aerospace Engineering, BEng
- Aerospace Engineering with a year in Industry, BEng
- Civil Engineering, BEng
- Engineering Design, BEng
- Engineering Design with Study in Industry, BEng
- Geography, BSc
- Geography with Quantitative Research Methods, BSc
- Geography with Study Abroad, BSc
- Aerospace Engineering, MEng
- Aerospace Engineering with a year in Industry, MEng
- Civil Engineering, MEng
- Civil Engineering with a year in Industry (MEng)
- Civil Engineering with Study in Continental Europe, MEng
- Engineering Design, MEng
- Engineering Design with Study in Industry, MEng
- Advanced Composites, MSc
- Climate Change Science and Policy, MSc
- Earthquake Engineering and Infrastructure Resilience, MSc
- Engineering with Management (Energy for Sustainability), MSc
- Engineering with Management (Infrastructure Systems), MSc
- Engineering with Management (Intelligent Manufacturing), MSc
- Environmental Modelling and Data Analysis, MSc
- Environmental Policy and Management, MSc
- Geographic Data Science and Spatial Analytics, MSc
- Global Development and Environment, MSc
- Water and Environmental Management, MSc
- Aerospace Engineering, MSc (Research)
- Geography, MSc (Research)
- Global Environmental Challenges, MSc (Research) (in the School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering and School of Geographical Sciences)
- Advanced Composites, PhD
- Aerospace Engineering, PhD
- Civil Engineering, PhD
- Functional Nanomaterials, PhD (in the School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering)
- Geography, PhD
- Sustainable futures, PhD
Wednesday 22 January at 4 pm
Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Accounting and Finance – Business School, the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Postgraduate certificate in Academic Practice. Including but not limited to:
- Accounting and Finance, BSc
- Economics and Accounting, BSc
- Finance, BSc
- Social Policy with Innovation, BSc
- Anthropology with Innovation, MArts
- Computer Science with Innovation, MEng
- Geography with Innovation, MSci
- Management with Innovation, MSci
- Social Policy with Innovation, MSci
- Academic Practice, PG Cert
- Accounting, Finance and Management, PG Cert
- Finance and Investment, PG Cert
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship, PG Cert
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship, PG Dip
- Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship, MA
- Accounting and Finance, MSc
- Accounting, Finance and Management, MSc
- Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability, MSc
- Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship, MSc
- Finance and Investment, MSc
- Financial Technology, MSc
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship, MSc
- Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, MSc
- Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, MSc
Thursday 23 January at 10:30 am
Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Economics, the School of Humanities and the School of Modern Languages. Including but not limited to:
- Ancient History, BA
- English, BA
- English and Classical Studies, BA
- English and French, BA
- English and History, BA
- English Literature and Community Engagement, BA
- French, BA
- French and German, BA
- History, BA
- History of Art, BA
- History of Art and Italian, BA
- History and Spanish, BA
- Italian and Spanish, BA
- Religion and Theology, BA
- Economics, BSc
- Economics and Finance, BSc
- Economics and Finance with Study Abroad, BSc
- Economics and Mathematics, BSc
- Economics and Politics, BSc
- Philosophy and Economics with Study Abroad, BSc
- Economics, PG Cert
- Economics, PG Dip
- Economics and Finance, PG Cert
- English Literature, PG Cert
- Black Humanities, MA
- Creative Writing, MA
- Chinese-English Audiovisual Translation, MA
- Chinese-English Translation, MA
- Comparative Literatures and Cultures, MA
- English Literature, MA
- Environmental Humanities, MA
- History, MA
- History of Art, MA
- Medieval Studies, MA
- Religion, MA
- Translation, MA
- Economics, MRes
- Economics, MSc
- Economics and Finance, MSc
- Economics, Finance and Management, MSc
- Economics with Data Science, MSc
- Global Environmental Challenges, MSc (Research) (in the Department of History)
- Classics, PhD
- Economics, PhD
- English, PhD
- French, PhD
- Medieval Studies, PhD
- Theology and Religious Studies, PhD
Faculty of Science and Engineering
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Earth Sciences. Including but not limited to:
- Environmental Geoscience, BSc
- Geophysics, BSc
- Geology, MSci
- Geophysics, MSci
- Palaeobiology, MSc
- Volcanology, MSc
- Geology, MSc (Research)
- Geology, PhD
Thursday 23 January at 1:30 pm
Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Education. Including but not limited to:
- Education Studies, BSc
- Psychology in Education, BSc
- Psychology of Education, PG Cert
- Education, PG Cert
- Education, PG Dip
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Biology)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Chemistry)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (English)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Geography)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (GITEP)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (History)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Mathematics)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Modern Foreign Languages)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Religious Education)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Physics)
- Education, MRes
- Education, MSc
- Educational Research, MSc
- Education (Inclusive Education), MSc
- Education (Leadership and Policy), MSc
- Education (Learning, Technology and Society), MSc
- Education (Mathematics Education), MSc
- Education (Neuroscience and Education), MSc
- Education (Policy and International Development), MSc
- Education (Teaching and Learning), MSc
- Psychology of Education BPS, MSc
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MSc
- Education, EdD
- Learning, Leadership and Policy, EdD
- Education, PhD
Friday 24 January at 10:30 am
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Biochemistry, the School of Biological Sciences, the School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and the School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Including but not limited to:
- Biochemistry, BSc
- Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, BSc
- Biology, BSc
- Biomedical Sciences, BSc
- Cellular and Molecular Medicine, BSc
- Neuroscience, BSc
- Neuroscience and Psychology BSc
- Pharmacology, BSc
- Physiological Science, BSc
- Zoology, BSc
- Biochemistry, MSci
- Bioinformatics, MSc
- Biomedical Sciences Research, MSc
- Science Communication for a Better Planet, MSc
- Biological Sciences, MSc (Research)
- Cellular and Molecular Medicine, MSc (Research)
- Biochemistry, PhD
- Biological Sciences, PhD
- Biological Sciences (Macquarie), PhD
- Cellular and Molecular Medicine, PhD
- Physiology and Pharmacology, PhD
- Biological Sciences, DSc
Faculty of Science and Engineering
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Chemistry, the School of Computer Science and the School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering. Including but not limited to:
- Computer Science, BEng
- Computer Science and Electronics, BEng
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BEng
- Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, BEng
- Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, MEng
- Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with a year in Industry, BEng
- Mechanical Engineering, BEng
- Chemical Physics, BSc
- Chemistry, BSc
- Computer Science, BSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, BSc
- Computer Science, MEng
- Computer Science and Electronics, MEng
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, MEng
- Mechanical Engineering, MEng
- Mechanical Engineering with a year in Industry, MEng
- Chemistry with Industrial Experience, MSci
- Optoelectronic and Quantum Technologies, PG Cert
- Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, PG Cert
- Computer Science, PG Dip
- Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering, MSc
- Communication Networks and Signal Processing, MSc
- Computer Science, MSc
- Cyber Security (Infrastructures Security), MSc
- Image and Video Communications and Signal Processing, MSc
- Immersive Technologies (Virtual and Augmented Reality), MSc
- Optical Communications and Signal Processing, MSc
- Optoelectronic and Quantum Technologies, MSc
- Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, MSc
- Scientific Computing with Data Science, MSc
- Global Environmental Challenges, MSc (Research) (in the School of Chemistry)
- Mechanical Engineering, MSc (Research)
- Chemical Synthesis, PhD
- Chemistry, PhD
- Computer Science, PhD
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, PhD
- Functional Nanomaterials, PhD (in the School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering)
- Interactive Artificial Intelligence, PhD
- Mechanical Engineering, PhD
- Technology Enhanced Chemical Synthesis, PhD
- Theory and Modelling in Chemical Sciences, PhD
Friday 24 January at 1:30 pm
Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences
All degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas in the School of Arts and the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies. Including but not limited to:
- Anthropology, BA
- Archaeology and Anthropology, BA
- Film and Television, BA
- Music, BA
- Philosophy, BA
- Theatre and Film, BA
- Philosophy and Politics, BSc
- Politics and International Relations, BSc
- Sociology, BSc
- Sociology and Philosophy, BSc
- Migration and Mobility Studies, PG Cert
- Film and Television, PG Dip
- Security, Conflict and Human Rights, PG Dip
- Anthropology, MA
- Composition of Music for Film and Television, MA
- Film and Television, MA
- Immersive Arts (Virtual and Augmented Reality), MA
- Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics, MA
- Music, MA
- Philosophy and History of Science, MA
- Philosophy of Biological and Cognitive Sciences, MA
- Philosophy of Physics, MA
- Global Political Economy, MRes
- Security, Conflict and Human Rights, MRes
- Contemporary Identities, MSc
- Development and Security, MSc
- East Asian Development and the Global Economy, MSc
- Gender and International Relations, MSc
- International Development, MSc
- International Relations, MSc
- International Security, MSc
- Social and Cultural Theory, MSc
- Social Science Research Methods, MSc (in the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies)
- Society, Politics and Climate Change, MSc
- Sociology, MSc
- Archaeology and Anthropology, PhD
- Music, PhD
- Musical Composition, PhD
- Politics, PhD
- Sociology, PhD
- Theatre and Performance, PhD