Credit use and over-indebtedness

Consumer credit is part of our everyday lives, with access to credit helping to smooth ebbs and flows of income and expenditure. A person is considered over-indebted when their income is insufficient to meet financial commitments and essentials over an extended period. Over-indebtedness can affect people of all income levels.


Analysis of the ‘Credit Counts’ National Strategy Measure: Adult Financial Capability Survey 2018
Andrea Finney

Why adults regularly use credit for food and bills: a review
Andrea Finney

Pawnbroking customers in 2020
Sara Davies and Andrea Finney


Borrowing behaviour
Sara Davies, Andrea Finney, Sharon Collard and Lorna Trend


Women and high cost credit: A gender analysis of the home credit industry in the UK [External Link]
Elizabeth Bermeo and Sharon Collard

Self-negotiators - the experiences of people in debt who negotiate with their creditors
Sharon Collard and Sara Davies

Supporting small businesses with energy debt
Sharon Collard and Sara Davies

Debt solutions in the UK - Recommendations for change
Sharon Collard, Colin Kinloch and Sarah Little


Customer perspectives on mortgage arrears and advice seeking in Northern Ireland
Sara Davies, Jamie Evans, Andrea Finney and Yvette Hartfree

Women and high cost credit: a gender analysis of the home credit industry in the UK
Elizabeth Bermeo


Housing association innovation in delivering affordable credit
Yvette Hartfree, Danny Friedman, James Ronicle, Sharon Collard and Kate Smith

'What explains the low impact of the financial crisis on levels of arrears among UK households?'. In: Comparative Perspectives of Consumer Over-Indebtedness: A View from the UK, Germany, Greece, and Italy [External Link]
Elaine Kempson


Locating credit and debt within an anti-poverty strategy for the UK
Yvette Hartfree and Sharon Collard

Descent into Financial Difficulty and the Role of Consumer Credit. In: Consumer Vulnerability: Conditions, contexts and characteristics [External Link]
Andrea Finney

Over-indebtedness and its causes across European countries. In: Consumer debt and social exclusion in Europe [External Link]
Elaine Kempson


The Over-indebtedness of European Households 
Civic Consulting and the Personal Finance Research Centre

Joseph Rowntree Foundation: Producing an Anti-Poverty Strategy for the UK - Evidence Reviews
Yvette Hartfree and Sharon Collard
Beverley A Searle and Stephan Köppe


Working together: understanding motivations and barriers to engagement in the consumer debt marketplace
Sharon Collard

Review of Insolvency Practitioner fees
Elaine Kempson

A complement to the APR - the CardCosts consumer webtool
Personal Finance Research Centre

The Genworth Index of consumer financial vulnerability
Andrea Finney and David Hayes

The impact on business and consumers of a cap on the total cost of credit
Personal Finance Research Centre


Working households’ experiences of debt problems
Sharon Collard, Andrea Finney and Sara Davies


Understanding financial difficulty: exploring the opportunities for early intervention
Sharon Collard

Facing the squeeze 2011 - A qualitative study of household finances and access to credit
Andrea Finney and Sara Davies

Affordable credit - lessons from overseas
Chris Deeming, Sharon Collard and David Hayes


Pawnbroking customers in 2010: a survey
Sharon Collard and David Hayes


Wealth in Great Britain - main results from the Wealth and Assets Survey 2006-08

The role of personal relationships in borrowing, saving and over-indebtedness: a life course perspective. In: Sharing lives, dividing assets: an inter-disciplinary study
Andrea Finney

Facing the squeeze: a qualitative study of household finances and access to credit in a 21st century recession
Sharon Collard, Andrea Finney and Kate Crosswaite

Is a not-for-profit home credit business feasible?
Elaine Kempson, Anna Ellison, Claire Whyley and Paul A Jones


A common operational European definition of over-indebtedness
European Commission

Debt and older people: how age affects attitudes to borrowing
Stephen McKay, Elaine Kempson, Adele Atkinson and Mark Crame

Looking beyond our shores: consumer protection regulation lessons from the UK
Elaine Kempson


Easy come, easy go: borrowing over the life cycle
Andrea Finney, Sharon Collard and Elaine Kempson

Illegal lending in the UK
Sharon Collard, Anna Ellison and Rob Forster


Debt: envy, penury or necessity? In: Seven deadly sins: A new look at society through an old lens
Stephen McKay


Characteristics of households in debt and the nature of indebtedness
Elaine Kempson, Stephen McKay and Maxine Willitts


Can't pay or won't pay? A review of creditor and debtor approaches to the non-payment of bills
Nicola Dominy and Elaine Kempson

Pay day advances: the companies and their customers
Nicola Dominy and Elaine Kempson

Pawnbrokers and their customers
Sharon Collard and Elaine Kempson


Over-indebtedness in Britain
Elaine Kempson


Extortionate credit in the UK
Elaine Kempson and Claire Whyley


Student finances: income, expenditure and take-up of student loans
Claire Callender and Elaine Kempson

Credit use and ethnic minorities
Alicia Herbert and Elaine Kempson


Water debt and disconnection
Alicia Herbert and Elaine Kempson


Paying with plastic: a study of credit card debt
Karen Rowlingson and Elaine Kempson


Gas debt and disconnections
Karen Rowlingson and Elaine Kempson


Credit and debt: the PSI report
Richard Berthoud and Elaine Kempson

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