Blackboard assignment receipts

What are these? 

Students receive email receipts for their Blackboard assignment submissions. Following an assignment submission in Blackboard, students will receive an email confirmation. This receipt includes details such as their name and student ID, the assignment name, the course name, the time of submission, and the name and size of the submitted file. 

Why use this? 

The receipt feature is useful for circumstances where there has been an error in the submission process - for example, when you have submitted your assignment in the wrong place, or to prove that you have submitted a file if your school is unable to access your submission. Please retain the email receipt, and contact your school, providing the submission ID, should you have any problems with your submission. 

Example email receipt 

Below you will find a screenshot of what an email receipt looks like. 

Screenshot of the assignment submission receipt

Where should I go for support? 

If you have any queries, or problems with your assignment submission receipts, please contact your school. 

Submission guides for students

Using Blackboard for submission and to access marks and feedback (student)