Previous workshops: 2014

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Longitudinal Data Analysis in Stata, 11-12 September 2014, University of Manchester

Please note that the application window for this workshop has closed. If you would like to be informed of future workshops, you can subscribe to the Centre for Multilevel Modelling Newsletter.

This course will introduce random effects (multilevel) models for the analysis of repeated measures data. Topics will include:

The emphasis will be on the practical application of methods for longitudinal data analysis and interpreting the results. Lectures will be combined with hands-on practical exercises in Stata, using a range of social science datasets.

This course is supported by the LEMMA project, a node of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods.


Familiarity with multilevel modelling and logistic regression analysis to the level of knowledge obtained by completing Modules 5 and 6 of the Centre for Multilevel Modelling’s online course.

Recommended reading:

Rabe-Hesketh S, Skrondal A. (2012) Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Third Edition. Volume I: Continuous Responses. College Station, Texas: Stata Press.


Fiona Steele (London School of Economics)


View the timetable.


The course will be held at the Humanities Bridgeford Street Building, University of Manchester M13 9PL.

Course fee:

* A limited number of places at the academic rate are also available for other UK non-academics.

The course fee includes event materials, lunch and morning\afternoon refreshments. The fee does not include travel and accommodation costs.


A full refund will be given if cancellation occurs 1 month prior to the event. No refund is given after this date. By completing the application form, you are accepting these cancellation terms.


Please note that the application window for this workshop has closed. If you would like to be informed of future workshops, you can subscribe to the Centre for Multilevel Modelling Newsletter.

Please note that completion of the application form does not guarantee a place, and that if you are offered a place, it will not be confirmed until you have accepted the offered place and paid the relevant fee.

If you have any queries, please email

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Please click here to read the booking terms and conditions before completing the booking form.

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Modelling Longitudinal Data using the Stat-JR package, 7 July 2014, St Catherines College, University of Oxford

Please note that the application window for this workshop has closed. If you would like to be informed of future workshops, you can subscribe to the Centre for Multilevel Modelling Newsletter.

This intermediate level workshop provides an introduction to both the recently released Stat-JR package and to fitting statistical models to longitudinal datasets.

It will assume that participants are familiar with multilevel models for continuous response variables to the level implied by our Introduction to Multilevel Modelling workshop or Module 5 of our online multilevel modelling course.

We will be using the Stat-JR package and fitting models using MCMC methods and although we give a brief introduction to these methods, some existing knowledge would be useful. The course will use the Stat-JR package although we will also demonstrate its interoperability features with other packages and include practicals demonstrating its interoperability with MLwiN. Further information on the Stat-JR software can be found on the Stat-JR pages.

PLEASE NOTE: This course will be held at St. Catherine's College, Oxford. Participants will be required to bring and work on their own laptops (PC not MAC). These will need to have Stat-JR installed; please see the Stat-JR installation guide for information.

Topics covered:

Repeated measures data and growth curve modelling, Introduction to MCMC and Stat-JR, Dynamic (autoregressive) models.


Professor William Browne, Dr George Leckie


The course starts with registration at 9.30am and finishes at 5.30pm.

Course fees:

* A limited number of places at the academic rate are also available for other UK non-academics.

The course fee includes event materials, lunch and morning\afternoon refreshments. The fee does not include travel and accommodation costs.


A full refund will be given if cancellation occurs 1 month prior to the event. No refund is given after this date. By completing the application form, you are accepting these cancellation terms.


Please note that the application window for this workshop has closed. If you would like to be informed of future workshops, you can subscribe to the Centre for Multilevel Modelling Newsletter.

Completion and submission of the form, and its acknowledgement, does not guarantee a place on the course. We will email you by 13 June 2014 to tell you whether or not your application has been successful.

If you are offered a place on the workshop, it will not be confirmed until you have accepted the place and paid the relevant fee.

If you have any queries, please email

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Please click here to read the booking terms and conditions before completing the booking form.

Advanced multilevel modelling using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), 9-11 April 2014, University of Bristol

Please note that the application window for this workshop has closed. If you would like to be informed of future workshops, you can subscribe to the Centre for Multilevel Modelling Newsletter.

This workshop will cover background theory and application of MCMC methods for multilevel modelling. We will focus on multilevel model classes that benefit from MCMC estimation including discrete response models (e.g., binary, ordinal and nominal outcomes), cross classified models, multiple membership models and multivariate response models with missing data. Theory sessions are accompanied by practical sessions using our software packages, MLwiN and Stat-JR, in which participants get the chance to apply what they have learned to real datasets. We will also showcase methods within MLwiN to speed up the MCMC estimation and demonstrate in Stat-JR its interoperability features with other MCMC packages such as WinBUGS.

This workshop is designed for researchers who already have a good knowledge of both continuous and discrete response multilevel models and have used MLwiN before. It is not designed for beginners, who we advise to attend an introductory workshop instead.


Professor William Browne, Professor Harvey Goldstein, Professor Kelvyn Jones, Dr George Leckie, Dr Richard Parker


The workshop will start at 10.30am on 9 April and finish with lunch at 1pm on 11 April 2014.

Course fees:

The fee includes event materials, lunch, and morning\afternoon refreshments. It does not include travel or accommodation costs. There will be an optional Evening Meal (including drinks) with the workshop instructors for participants on the first evening at an additional cost of £20 (not included in the fees below).

* A limited number of places at the academic rate are available for UK non-academics.


A full refund will be given if cancellation occurs 1 month prior to the event. No refund is given after this date. By completing the application form, you are accepting these cancellation terms.


Please note that the application window for this workshop has closed. If you would like to be informed of future workshops, you can subscribe to the Centre for Multilevel Modelling Newsletter.

Please click here to read the booking terms and conditions before completing the booking form.

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Introduction to Multilevel Modelling using MLwiN, 22-24 January 2014, University of Bristol

Please note that the application window for this workshop has closed. If you would like to be informed of future workshops, you can subscribe to the Centre for Multilevel Modelling Newsletter.

This workshop provides an introduction to multilevel modelling.


We assume that participants are familiar with single level regression models (to the level implied by Module 3 of our online multilevel modelling course) but have no prior knowledge of multilevel modelling. Theory sessions are accompanied by practical sessions using our software, MLwiN, in which participants get the chance to apply what they have learned to real datasets. No prior knowledge of MLwiN is assumed: the first practical takes participants right from the very basics. Throughout, there is an emphasis on how to interpret the models and on what kinds of research question they can be used to explore. For further information, see previous 'Introduction to multilevel modelling' workshop materials (the presentations will be similar but may be subject to minor changes).


Professor William Browne, Professor Kelvyn Jones, Dr George Leckie, Dr Richard Parker, Rebecca Pillinger


The course starts with registration at 10.45am on Day 1 and finishes at 3.15pm on Day 3. Participants are expected to attend the full course.

Course fees:

The course fee includes event materials, lunch, and morning\afternoon refreshments. The course fee does not include travel and accommodation costs. There will be an optional Course evening meal for participants and workshop instructors on the first evening at an additional cost of £20.

* A limited number of places at the academic rate are available for UK non-academics.


A full refund will be given if cancellation occurs 1 month prior to the event. No refund is given after this date. By completing the application form, you are accepting these cancellation terms.


Our workshops are now regularly over-subscribed so we have had to introduce an application and selection process.

Please note that the application window for this workshop has closed. If you would like to be informed of future workshops, you can subscribe to the Centre for Multilevel Modelling Newsletter.

Submission of the form and its acknowledgement does not guarantee a place on the course. We will email you by 25 November 2013 to tell you whether or not your application has been successful. If you are offered a place on the workshop, it will not be confirmed until you have accepted and paid the relevant fee.

If you have any queries, please email

Please click here to read the booking terms and conditions before completing the booking form.

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