Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, plus (LGBT+) community

The School of Chemistry is dedicated to supporting staff and students who identify as LGBT+ and creating an inclusive community where everyone feels comfortable and safe.

Pronoun button badges

For our LGBT+ colleagues and students, the pronouns we use for them are a big part of their identity. We can show we care by using the right ones and sharing our own. Pronoun button badges are now available from the kitchen in the Chemistry lounge and the Teaching Lab counter on Level 5.


The University LGBT+ Staff Network is open to all members of our LGBT+ staff community and provides a forum where staff can share their experiences and ideas. The chair of the Network meets with the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team to provide feedback and work collaboratively to influence policy/practice to further inclusivity. The network also organises monthly/regular socials.


For students the Bristol SU LGBT+ Network and Bristol SU Trans Student Network provide opportunities for all self-identifying LGBT+ and Trans students to socialise, campaign and discuss LGBT+ and Trans issues at Bristol.

Further information on LGBT+

The following external organisations can offer support and further information around LGBT+ awareness:

Stand Up Speak Out (SUSO)

A University-wide campaign to encourage students to take action against bullying, harassment and other forms of unacceptable behaviour they may experience or witness.

Staff can also contact a SUSO Advocate, for guidance and support.

Contact us

Please note the School of Chemistry Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee meets six times a year. If you have any questions concerning EDI or anything you would like to raise with the committee please email chem-edi@bristol.ac.uk.

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