Environment and energy
Theme Lead - Dr Wuge Briscoe
What causes our environment to change, how has it changed in the past, and how will human activity cause it to change in the future? And recognising that, what are the new sustainable agriculture, environmental remediation and low-carbon energy technologies upon which 21st century society will depend?
The School of Chemistry explores all facets of those questions by employing the most state of the art analytical, experimental and computation tools. We reconstruct the history of Earth's climate, explore the advent of agricultural innovation, and probe the biogeochemical cycles that govern the chemical and physical state of our planet. We study pesticides in water and halogenated hydrocarbons in air; the behaviour of aerosols and the reactions of radicals; crime scenes and oil spills. Crucially, we are pioneering the innovations that are essential to a sustainable future, from liberating soil nutrients to make agriculture more efficient to pioneering low carbon solar, biofuel and nuclear energy.
Theme members:
- Professor Neil Allan
- Professor Paul Bartlett
- Dr Ian Bull
- Dr Bryan Bzdek
- Dr Michael Cotterell
- Professor Richard Evershed
- Professor Charl Faul
- Professor David Fermin
- Professor Neil Fox
- Professor Simon Hall
- Dr Alastair Lennox
- Professor Paul May
- Dr David Naafs
- Professor Simon O'Doherty
- Professor Rich Pancost
- Dr Mike Price
- Professor Andrew Orr-Ewing
- Professor Jonathan Reid
- Professor Matt Rigby
- Dr Sebastien Rochat
- Dr Melanie Roffet-Salque
- Professor Dudley Shallcross
- Dr James Smith
- Dr Kieran Stanley
- Dr Caitlyn Witkowski