Shauna Angell

Why did you choose Bristol for your undergraduate degree?  

One of the main reasons why I picked Bristol for my undergraduate degree was due to their reputation for producing world-class research. When deciding what I wanted to study I knew I was really interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying disease and how to develop new treatments. The BSc in Biomedical Sciences particularly appealed to me thanks to the opportunity to undertake a range of modules from different schools in first year, allowing me to gain a broad overview of a range of topics before picking more specialist units in second and third year. Friends of mine who had already completed their degrees at Bristol said how much they loved both the university experience as well as the city which helped my decision too!

How would you sum up your experience?

Overall, I have had an amazing time at Bristol. My degree has been challenging but it has really pushed me and allowed me to develop a range of skills, from critical thinking to laboratory techniques to delivering presentations. All the units I took were very interesting and I particularly enjoyed completing my final year research project which allows you to put all the skills you’ve learnt into practice! Aside from academics, I had a brilliant time in such an exciting city, and I have made friends for life.

What were the staff like?

Throughout my time at university the staff have been extremely engaging and helpful. The passion of lecturers is obvious, particularly in third year when they are teaching about the cutting-edge research taking place at Bristol. My research project supervisors were always quick to respond with any queries I had and provided so much support and guidance. My personal tutor was an invaluable support, both academically and pastorally across the three years and was always there when I needed advice or just a chat!

How did your degree influence what you went on to next? 

After learning about a range of topics in first year, I found I really enjoyed neuroscience and pharmacology which I was able to focus on by picking the Systems pathway. This helped me to discover that I had a particular interest in the translation of fundamental science into the development of new treatments for neurological disorders, which led me to apply for an MRes in Translational Neuroscience at UCL. The Alumni Careers sessions run by the Faculty of Life Sciences were incredibly useful in highlighting the many different pathways available after graduation and really helped me to think about my next steps after leaving Bristol.

What advice would you offer to students contemplating a place at Bristol?

Bristol is such a supportive environment which really allows students to thrive, and I would recommend it to anyone! Make the most of the resources available to you such as open days and the unit catalogues as these give a good insight into what the course is like. Services such as the Careers, Disability and Mature Students services are always available to give support if you reach out to them. Biomedical Sciences is a great degree option if you’re interested in the science of health and disease and would like the opportunity to experience a range of topics.

Graduate Profile

Shauna Angell | BSc Biomedical Sciences | Currently studying for an MSc by Research in Translational Neuroscience at UCL

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