Pak Hei Chung

Why did you choose Bristol for your undergraduate degree?  

The remarkable collegial environment of Bristol really captured my attention. Not only does it house world-leading research groups, but it is also affiliated with pioneering scientists like Anthony Epstein and Paul Nurse. I believe the academic freedom and liberty provided by Bristol would be critical for every aspiring student to develop into bright individuals. Additionally, I am very grateful that Bristol often offers various opportunities, such as the Think Big Undergraduate Scholarship, to support and motivate different students to pursue their ambitions regardless of their backgrounds!

How would you sum up your experience?

My journey in Bristol has been incredibly exhilarating. While some of the units may be somewhat advanced and challenging, the course has always been informed by the latest discoveries in the field. Also, I can always access state-of-the-art research facilities and gain insights into the process of medical and scientific exploration. In a nutshell, I have acquired a myriad of invaluable experiences here at Bristol, which facilitates my peers and me to develop into independent thinkers equipped with 21st Century Skills!

What were the staff like?

The staff here were absolutely fantastic! I met some of the most inspiring educators and scientists in my life, who always encourage me to pursue my dream of becoming a cancer researcher! My personal tutor, supervisors, and other professors have been very supportive and friendly, sharing their own experiences in handling both scientific difficulties and frustration to cheer me up whenever I encounter setbacks. The teaching and research staff here are always striving to improve and learn in order to accommodate students’ needs. For instance, despite not being an immunologist, my supervisor spent much effort and time understanding T cell biology along with me in my final year project on cancer immunology.  Importantly, the most valuable aspect is that research staff from different Schools are interconnected, and they always direct me to the right person to address my questions. For this reason, I have managed to meet one of my co-supervisors from the Vet School for my future research projects!

How did your degree influence what you went on to next? 

My degree has always been informative and exciting. My final year research project on breast cancer immunology and summer research internship on drug screening for targeted therapy for cancer at Bristol were all incredibly rewarding and enlightening. Through getting involved in symposiums and lab meetings, I have discovered that a career in cancer research is where I truly belong. As such, I have decided to undertake an MSc(R) at Bristol to pursue further in tumour immunology. Hopefully, I will develop into a successful cancer researcher who can discover intriguing findings in the lab to help inform clinical actions, just like the scientists I have met throughout my degree, ultimately helping cancer patients and their families to combat cancers in more effective and accessible ways!

What advice would you offer to students contemplating a place at Bristol?

I would say demonstrating your love for science is the most crucial part. One of the most important things that Bristol has taught me is to recognise that science is not rigid nor written in stone, but rather it is an ongoing and dynamic process of philosophical inquiry. Thus, I am pretty convinced that being able to recall facts may not be the most important skill; instead, showcasing your qualities as a passionate, observant and critical thinker will make you to stand out from other applicants!

Graduate profile

Pak Hei Chung | BSc in Biomedical Sciences | Currently studying for an MSc by Research in Cancer Immunology at the University of Bristol

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