Old Grid/New Grid

Gaining a basic understanding of how the power grid works has traditionally been a matter of high school physics curriculum

Perhaps you still remember technical remember terms like transformers, currents, or volts. However, what the ‘old grid’ lacks is the involvement of ordinary people. In the centralised, fossil-fuel based system, we are merely the consumers of electricity.

For the power grid to meet the ambitious sustainability targets, the role of the public ought to change. From producing and trading own energy, through membership in community energy schemes to, finally, political activism, citizens are about to become the foundational element of the ‘new grid’.

The deck of cards below is a set of prompts designed to support a workshop activity suitable for adults and teenagers wanting to learn about sustainability and energy. If you’d like to use the cards during your events, please contact ola.michalec@bristol.ac.uk.

New grid old grid

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