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Holographic technology project captures videos using new wireless rig

Vassilis Seferidis nCOMM+ project

Vassilis Seferidis, CEO of Nephelie Technologies, with the 64 wireless camera rig

19 September 2024

A collaboration between BDFI and Bristol-based Nephelie Technologies is using innovative wireless networking technology to produce high-quality volumetric videos.

The nCOMM+ project, a collaboration between BDFI and Nephelie Technologies Ltd, has reached a new milestone in its ambitions to develop the world’s first wireless volumetric video capture solution. 

Volumetric video is a technique that captures multiple images of an object from various angles, and uses advanced rendering techniques like photogrammetry to create the corresponding 3D model.  Nephelie Technologies has implemented a revolutionary new rendering approach called 3D Gaussian Splatting, which dramatically reduces the time needed to create highly realistic 3D models compared to traditional methods. 

This new method has the potential to replace traditional methods around computer-generated images and rendering, immensely speeding up the production process.  

The nCOMM+ team has constructed a 64-wireless camera rig providing a 64 camera point of view for volumetric video capture.  

Alongside this, a camera synchronisation solution has been designed, developed, tested, and implemented in-house, enabling synchronised capture from all cameras.  

This innovative setup has allowed the team to successfully start capturing the first videos using a highly-optimised wireless network provided by the Smart Internet Lab. In using a wireless network, there is scope for the system to be deployed in various locations and not be restricted to an indoor laboratory environment.  

Vassilis Seferidis, CEO of Nephelie Technologies, said: “This project is the world’s first wireless volumetric video capture system and has tremendous potential to revolutionise how images are captured and transformed into 3D models. 

“We have developed proprietary code for camera configuration and streaming across the wireless network, which has allowed us to reach this milestone.  

“The combination of 64 wireless cameras and 3D Gaussian Splatting offers unmatched flexibility and scalability for both indoor and outdoor captures. 

“We’re excited to continue advancing the project with our partners in Bristol and beyond.” 

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