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International Digital Futures Network: BDFI welcomes institutes from around the world

IDFN group shot

IDFN members in the BDFI reception area

IDFN workshop discussion

Discussions underway in the neutral lab

19 June 2024

This June, BDFI hosted 11 institutes from across the globe at a recent International Digital Futures Network meeting.

Over 30 colleagues and academics from digital futures institutes around the world joined us at BDFI virtually and in-person for an IDFN knowledge-sharing and network-building workshop. 

The International Digital Futures Network (IDFN) was established in 2023. Its aim is to bring leading institutes from around the world together to work on designing, developing and interrogating sustainable and prosperous digital futures through academic research, policy work and using sociotechnical methods.  

The two-day IDFN event showcased the structure and programs of network members, their facilities and future priorities. Discussions followed on opportunities for collaboration within the IDFN and beyond.  

There were also panel discussions covering a variety of subjects including AI and regulation; health monitoring and technology; and sociotechnical elements of security.  

Those who attended in person were given a tour of the BDFI facilities and enjoyed a networking dinner in Bristol City Centre. 

Alongside BDFI, the institutes represented at the event were: Kings College London, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Cambridge University, Keele University, Open University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Monash University (Australia), Queensland University of Technology, Oxford University and Suffolk University.  

BDFI Co-Director Daniel Neyland said: “It was so interesting to see how other institutes operate and what facilities they have. There’s clearly no one-size-fits-all, which in itself means there’s a huge amount we can learn from each other. We look forward to growing the IDFN by increasing our members and organising more events in the coming months. If you’re interested in joining us, please get in touch.” 

Further information

The IDFN is continuing to grow and collaborate across its members. You can read more about the IDFN, including how to join, on our website.  

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