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University of Bristol staff and students recognised for awards at the 2024 Autumn Institute of Anatomical Sciences Conference.

10 September 2024

School of Anatomy staff and students celebrate award achievements at the 2024 Autumn Institute of Anatomical Sciences Conference.

In early September members of staff represented the School of Anatomy, University of Bristol at the 2024 Autumn Institute of Anatomical Sciences Conference at the Royal Veterinary College in London. The Institute of Anatomical Sciences is an international group of anatomy and anatomically-related professionals, who are dedicated to sharing knowledge, techniques and practices.

Maisie Saunders, Ed Zealley, Kirsty Nelson, Ivan Rego Meizoso, Tom Cornwall and Victoria Duggan attended from the School of Anatomy, University of Bristol and participated in talks, workshops and poster exhibitions. 

At the 2024 Autumn IAS award ceremony, our fantastic staff and students were recognised for their achievements in several competition categories:

  • Kirsty Nelson (Teaching Technician): Category Winner of the "Terrence Williamson Museum Prize" for entry titled "Skeletal Preparation of a Tawny Owl with Flight Feathers" and awarded Merit for entry titled "Osteological Preparation of a Carrion Crow" in the same competition.
  • Maisie Saunders (Specialist Technician): Awarded Merit in the "Terrence Williamson Museum Prize" for entry titled: "Osteological Articulation of a juvenile Domestic Cow (Bos Taurus)." and awarded Merit in the "Marjorie England Dissection Prize" for entry titled "Isolation of the Human Brain with Preservation of the Eyes and the Pituitary Gland" 
  • Ed Zealley (Specialist Technician): awarded Merit in the "Marjorie England Dissection Prize" for entry titled "Lymphatic System of the Dog"
  • Philippa Jewell (Applied Anatomy Student and 2024 Prosectorship Student): awarded Merit in the "Student Dissection Prize" for entry titled "The Carotid Artery and its Branches"
  • Samuel Cornell (Functional and Clinical Anatomy Student and 2024 Prosectorship Student): awarded Merit in the "Student Dissection Prize" for entry titled "Brachial Plexus"
  • Hannah Eggleton (School of Anatomy, University of Bristol Alumni): awarded Merit in the "Open competition" for entry titled "Loco-Match! A Learning Resource Card Game in Comparative Anatomy in Locomotion"

At the University of Bristol we have a practical, lab based approach to teaching Anatomy and are delighted to see our both our technical staff and our student's skills recognised by the Institute of Anatomical Sciences. 

Images of an owl skeleton with feathers

Kirsty Nelson's exhibition poster entitled "Skeleton of a Tawny Owl with Flight Feathers'.


A image of a cos skeleton

Maisie Saunders' exhibition poster entitled "Osteological Articulation of a juvenile Domestic Cow (Bos Taurus)".


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