Teaching using HPC application process 2024/25

How to request HPC resources for your teaching or student research projects in 2024/25 

The ACRC team is here to help you get the HPC resources you need for your teaching course or student research project in 2024/25. 

Requesting the resources you need is a straightforward two-step process (see below for details). You must follow this process before using the university’s HPC resources in your teaching or for student projects.  

Four weeks lead time  

ACRC has high-demand periods, so it is important you complete both Step 1 and Step 2 at least four weeks before you need HPC resources for your teaching or student projects. If you submit your application late, we may not be able to have the HPC resources you need ready in time for when you need them.  

 Step 1: Apply for a new HPC Project   

The first step is to complete an HPC Application to request a new project and HPC project code for your teaching course or student projects for this academic year.

  • In the ‘Project title’ add either Teaching course or Student Projects followed by the period (dates) or academic year the course will run.  
  • In the ‘Funding’ drop-down select ‘Unfunded’ 
  • In the ‘Additional details’ drop-down select ‘Teaching’.  


Note: You need to apply for a new HPC project for each course you teach in each academic year. If you share teaching responsibilities with colleagues, please coordinate who submits the HPC Project application to avoid any duplication of work.  

Step 2: Apply for the HPC resources you need  

The second step is to apply for the specific HPC resources you need for your teaching course or student projects. 

Please also complete this form at least four weeks before you need the HPC resources.  


Student registration ten days before HPC access is needed 

To access the University’s HPC systems, all your students will need to apply for a HPC account using your course’s HPC project code 

Your students must request an HPC account at least 10 days before access is required. 

If relevant, please share our extensive library of ACRC training material with your students, including the Intro to the Command Line Interface (CLI) and Intro to HPC training. 

Need help?  

We are here to support you if you need any help. Please email the HPC team at hpc-help@bristol.ac.uk or Research Computing facilitators at grp-acrc-facilitators@bristol.ac.uk if you have any questions about this process or need advice before completing the application forms. 

Note. You will need to be on the campus network or VPN to be able to access the HPC project application forms. 

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