Advanced Computing Research Centre (ACRC) training

ACRC training workshops, materials and course recordings

To subscribe to our training alerts please send an email to: LISTSERV@JISCMAIL.AC.UK with an empty subject line and the message body: SUBSCRIBE acrc-training-alerts Firstname Lastname

For an up-to-date overview of HPC at the University please watch 'Introduction to HPC at University of Bristol' | Microsoft Stream‌. You can also download the Introduction to HPC at University of Bristol slides (PowerPoint with narration)‌.

Upcoming courses

  • New dates will be released when available, sign up to receive acrc-training-alerts alerts via jiscmail.

Online course materials

HPC and Linux



Software engineering


For additional self-guided programming courses please see Christopher Wood's RSE courses web page.

Please email if you have queries relating to the content of the Research Software Engineering courses. 

Programming and Software Engineering courses and videos


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